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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates Online

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Ok....my LHS does not have the RBK 9k skates in stock right now, so I looked at buying them online. Searched MSH, etc., looked at all the stores, phone calls, etc. Easy to find, easy to buy. But........what about profile/sharpening? Every pair I've purchased is profiled at my LHS.

My first choice is to buy them at my LHS, but do most folks buy them online, then have them profiled/sharpened at the LHS? Isn't it awkward to have them service the skates that didn't buy there?

Online stores will sharpen them for you, but not profile - at least the main online sites I called.

I'm most curious as what others do in this situation??

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Bring it to your LHS. You know they do good work there since they've done it for you in the past. Since they don't carry that particular skate, I'm sure they'll understand.

edit: I misread the original post. I thought that the LHS doesn't stock the skate at all.

Find out when they'll have them in. A lot of shops are getting their shipments in rigt about now.

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if the skates fit you fine, then i think it would be ok to buy the skates and have them profiled/sharpened at your LHS, or you can just ask them if they can order the skates for you/ when they will have them in stock

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I bought my 9k's off of hockeymonkey and got them sharpened and everything at my LHS. They seemed fine with it. They had the 9k's in stock but for like $150 more so I think they understood. haha

I bought my 9k's off of hockeymonkey and got them sharpened and everything at my LHS. They seemed fine with it. They had the 9k's in stock but for like $150 more so I think they understood. haha

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Ok....my LHS does not have the RBK 9k skates in stock right now

2 things to consider that you didnt mention:

When will they get them in?

Are prices comparable?

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They said about a month, but knowing my LHS, probably 2 months. They are probably about ~$100 more than online sites. But would be happy with paying it if they had them.

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If someone is buying a current model skate I doubt they would overpay by $100 dollars. Then you factor in shipping, a profile and a bake job and you don't save that much. My LHS knows me, the way I skate and the profile I skate on. He also knows the profiles that didn't work for me and why. So if I lose $20-$50 on a new skate purchase I am okay with that. Now a whopper of a good deal, maybe I could see an online purchase but not to save $50 bucks tops. It's an investment in a relationship that is worth it to me. Maybe you don't have a LHS where that is possible, but if you do you should try it.

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The other thing that usually puts you in good favor with you LHS is if you continue to buy from LHS's. If another LHS has it in the general area that you live, I am sure your store would rather you support local stores than buy it online.

My local LHS is really cool about that...local support. They treat me like I bought it there when I do that.

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Also, if money is the issue often if the LHS can't budge in price for the skate(if it's new) they'll often throw in stuff you might need or cut you a good deal on something else you buy.

My friend bought full 10.0 protective gear from our LHS and a few months later he bought 10.0 skates from hockeygiant(didn't have his size in stock and it would have taken a few weeks to get them to the shop and he needed them asap)... Because they had to order the protective set, they couldn't budge on the price but when he came in a month later in his new skates they baked them for free and only charged him to sharpen his skates. Treat them good and they'll treat you good.

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Good story. I wanted to fine tune my blade profile so I went to an open skate on a saturday afternoon. I skated awhile then took my skates to the pro shop, where my LHS made adjustments. This cycle went on about 3 times that afterrnoon. We struck gold the 3rd time. The point is my LHS worked with me and didn't make me wait for the blade work on a busy day because

A- I am a regular customer

B- they wanted to see me suceed because

A- I am a regular customer

If you have good people at your LHS, please reward them, you will get it back in ways that money can't measure

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