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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton vs. Mission OPS

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I have always used Mission sticks and have never had any issues. I use an M1 almost exclusively. My M1 is starting to feel wear. Chips are becoming larger and losing some "kick"

Its been two years....

I was thinking of getting a Pulse. I prefer its understated look as opposed to the Toxic and the others....

I can spend a few more dollars and get a Synergy. Is the Synergy series that much more advanced than the Mission models? It seems like a huge amount of people swear by them.

Thoughts about Easton OPS vs. Mission

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youll hear this every time but it is all PP. in my opinion i liked the pulse more than any easton stick, but they dont offer a drury clone so i have to compromise. the pulse has incrediable feel, and still a livley blade face. just a side note, if you do go with a mission, i would drop down one flex from what your used to becasue they seem to be far stiffer than their older line, and any other stick out there. ex. 85 mission is very simialr to a easton 100

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The feel of the pulse will be better but performance will be better with an SL or SE.

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IMO easton is better than mission in performance and i would get a high end easton over a mission, but thats just my opinion

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I hear a LOT of great things about the pulse, wish my LHS carried them. The VDS blade has gotten great reviews as well. For the money I'd go for the Pulse, if not for anything else than trying it.

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I've got someone I know who is selling a used pulse (pretty good deal for that money). I'm trying to get him to ship it to me in Australia, but shipping is becoming a hassle... if the deal falls thru, I'lll let you know.

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After using the new Vhex grip for a bit and can say it is a damn good stick so far. (Boyes 85 grip)

Nice feel with the VDS blade. Good for shooting as well, better then previous Mission sticks IMO.

Again just personal pref, but I'd take a Vhex or Fuel over the Easton.

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After using the new Vhex grip for a bit and can say it is a damn good stick so far. (Boyes 85 grip)

Nice feel with the VDS blade. Good for shooting as well, better then previous Mission sticks IMO.

Again just personal pref, but I'd take a Vhex or Fuel over the Easton.

Does the V-Hex offer the VDS blade? I thought it used the Hex blade, and the Fuel used the VDS blade.....could be wrong though, Im not all up on Mission products.


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im 99% positive that the v hex has the hexcore blade, and the fuel has the vds like DEATHRON said

That 1% just kicked in.

The V in V-Hex stands for VDS.

It is a VDS blade with a Hex-Core wrap.

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and thats why i have jr around, to fix all my screw ups, just curious whats the advantage of the hex wrap? i thought in the hex 1 that the hex blade was all the way through the blade, not just a surface wrap

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i love my old synergy, but it's about to break. i'm thinking about getting a ribeiro hex-1 since they are pretty reasonably priced right now. i've heard they have durability issues, but for the price it shouldn't be too bad.

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and thats why i have jr around, to fix all my screw ups, just curious whats the advantage of the hex wrap? i thought in the hex 1 that the hex blade was all the way through the blade, not just a surface wrap

I am not sure if it is through the foam on this blade, but I know it is at least the wrap. I would have to get one and dissect, or Mike can answer the question for us.

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and thats why i have jr around, to fix all my screw ups, just curious whats the advantage of the hex wrap? i thought in the hex 1 that the hex blade was all the way through the blade, not just a surface wrap

I am not sure if it is through the foam on this blade, but I know it is at least the wrap. I would have to get one and dissect, or Mike can answer the question for us.

Yeah I'm a little confused because if it is a wrap then how come the new V-Hex Blades have the honeycomb pattern like the hex 1?

V-Hex Blade


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The Hex was promoted as having reinforcement through the foam, the VDS was a different internal setup. The wrap on the Hex blade was roundly criticized for chipping and other durability problems.

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I remember the story now -

It has the Hex internals and the VDS on the edges. The original plan was to have the wrap, but they cannot be supplied with that wrap anymore.

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so it has the Hexcore but no hex pattern...i get it now!

The hex pattern is just embossed on the blade and pulls up the first time you replace the tape.

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