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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dallas Stars Equipment Sale

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legiahockey, do you know prices and if they take phone orders and ship?(I live in NY). And thank you for the heads up.

They're 149.99.

As far as I know they dont do orders or shipping.

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legiahockey, do you know prices and if they take phone orders and ship?(I live in NY). And thank you for the heads up.

looks like that was answered. i'll check the price when i get there. what are you you willing to pay? i dont wanna buy a stick that you wont want to buy later. you can pm me if you like. aswell as anyone else who wants stuff.

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No badge, no entry. Try it and the employee will likely get fired on the spot.

chill out i was just asking a question. i was skeptical anyways.

No malice intended, but one thing you don't do is mess with Judy. Let's say she isn't to reasonable when pissed.

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hey deathtron. any idea on prices? sticks and skates will be my first two purchases as im moving out of the country soon. but a helmet and visor would be great if i have some money left

I dont work there anymore...however, back in my day and from what Ive seen recently:

Prostock skates are $50, "new" or used. Prostock sticks (Excluding a high-profile player, depending on used or not for those players, and 9k's)- New sticks are $75, used sticks are $50. Prostock gloves are $40, helmets are something like $50, etc.

Retail prices are up in the air, they really have not carried alot of skate stock recently, so who really knows.


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Do they have helmets? If Drew or someone would send me a PM about getting one I would appreciate it greatly.

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They would only let me in the door to pay for the 2 helmets (1 for a visor, one 8000 with vn instead of EPP) I had pulled aside by a former co-worker. Drew said the sale was craptacular, I would wait and see what he says daca, he probably got to see more than the cash registers like me.


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I'll be interested to hear the outcome.

Ive heard rumor that a bunch had already been sold to other vendors etc previously...

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got the goods today, sale was very slim this year though. picked up a pair of ott's s15's, great condition barely even worn. two miettenen se's, hagman vapor xxx gloves, and then some t-shirts. for the people goin tomorrow dont be dissapointed if there arent any pro stock gloves or only 10 rh sticks. very few gloves came threw, like 12 and only like 30 rh sticks.

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Sounds like I'll pass.

Was hoping maybe to pick up just some 4 rolls and XXX gloves.

Guess I'll keep looking.

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My old account wouldnt let me log back in :( PLus I dont have access to the Gear Exchange.

Oh well, Ill find some one day.

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