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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tackla Pants

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I use the 5000 Pro. They protect like no ones business. A bit bulkier than my old CCM Supra pants, but I never noticed a difference........until I fell or got knocked around, then I felt glad I had the Tackla's!! It's not an issue.

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Are you guys sure about the pros wearing 9000's i thought the pro pant was the 5000's or maybe im wrong but to make sure watch the playoffs and see which padding is on the hip the one piece 5000 stlye or the segmented 9000 style.

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The 9000 acs is supposed to be their top pant. What I know of.

5000 is the top end two piece pant. 9000 is not two piece and is not quite as protective, but it is lighter than the 5000.

Guys, if you don't know, don't guess. Wrong answers and guesses devalue the quality of information available on MSH.

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