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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shinguard length

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All of the shops around me have bare walls at the moment, and I need some new shins. The ones being replaced are CCM's, and I'm looking to pick up some Rbk's . I checked out the Rbk's in person before, and I know I like the way they fit, but I'm not sure which size I grabbed at the time. Should these 2 brands have about the same length at the same size?

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Unless i'm mistaken, all shinguards should be the same legnth as they go by inches (i.e. 15in=15in)The difference would more likely be the width or the type of padding.

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hey i'm new to the fourms, but not to hockey. I was wondering what about Easton and RBK shin pads how are they similar or different. I currently have a pair of Eastons that are too long and there is a pair of RBKs on closeout that I'm looking to buy.

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The vectors are also very nice, not sure of exactly what the differences are between the two lines(now three lines since RBK has two) but I love my vectors. The only thing I don't like about them is the wideness on the bottom of the shin pad, too wide to put in my vapor skates... they fit perfectly in my tacks.

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The only thing I don't like about them is the wideness on the bottom of the shin pad, too wide to put in my vapor skates... they fit perfectly in my tacks.

Why dont you just mold them a bit? A few seconds with a heat gun would solve the problem..

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Unless i'm mistaken, all shinguards should be the same legnth as they go by inches (i.e. 15in=15in)The difference would more likely be the width or the type of padding.

Actually, I found that the newer Hespeler shinguards were longer than my old Hespelers. After an exchange, I found that the 14 inch ones were a perfect match in length to my old 15 inchers.

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The only thing I don't like about them is the wideness on the bottom of the shin pad, too wide to put in my vapor skates... they fit perfectly in my tacks.

Why dont you just mold them a bit? A few seconds with a heat gun would solve the problem..

I thought of that BUT with the lower cut boot of the vapor skate I'm no longer inbetween sizes(I needed about a 15.5" with the tacks), now I need a 16" and I have 15"

I will probably sell my vectors here since they are in really good condition... I might get the one90s or the response r8 shins. The knee cradles in those shin guards look sooooo comfy!

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