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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Name that Movie

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Alright I am in.  From my generation.

"No more yankie my wankie ... the Donga need food."

Oh even I got this one, it's "Sixteen Candles." Long Duk Dong was chock-full of them in that one.

"What's a Nubian?"

Very nice Mack. Bingo. In my old dorm room we had that "slogon" printed out on 12 or so pieces of paper via a dot matrix printer. Yes dot matrix!

Another memorable line from that movie:

Fat Chick:

"Whats your first name?"

Mr Dong:


Fat Chick:

"Whats your last name?"

Mr Dong:


Fat Chick:

"Whats your middle name?"

Mr Dong:


Think about it for a minutes. Very subtle in the move but funny as hell.

is that from sixteen candles?

All right, the answer's given in Ponty's post when he says "another memorable line from that movie."

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Guess this one:

"What did you say this room was called?"

"Sacrificial chamber"

*Remember when you guess it, you have to add your quote to be guessed :D

alien vs pred.

"i think he [R kelly] was set up"

"oh he was set up alright, he set up the camera"

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