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Name that Movie

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Guest 2048

Lego's got. It. I was thinking PSU b/c my friend and I just took a hand axe to a busted PSU and cd-rom drive. damn it's fun breaking shit.

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Lego's got. It. I was thinking PSU b/c my friend and I just took a hand axe to a busted PSU and cd-rom drive. damn it's fun breaking shit.

lol nice.

who's supplying the next quote?

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Great movie. Let me think of a quote.

I hope you washed your ass this morning, it's about to be kissed by a king

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Braveheart. Great movie, one of my all-time favorites.

"Lasers are a young science."

"Because if I wear it anywhere else, it chafes..."


heres one...

"Holy Shit!"

(looks around) "No shit, where see shit?"

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Short Circuit

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."

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Yup, thats Happy alright. That take off my skate and try to stab someone quote has forever been a burden on me. Everyone I know who doesn't play hockey asks me if I've ever done that.

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Good good, always go with the instinct.

Ok, name it:

"Who's motorcycle is that?"

"It's not a motorcycle, it's a chopper baby"

"Who's chopper is it?"

" Zed's"

"Who's Zed?"

"Zed's dead baby"

pulp fiction

"there's the television. its all right there....all right there. look. listen. kneel. pray. the commercials."

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"there's the television. its all right there....all right there. look. listen. kneel. pray. the commercials."

12 Monkeys

That movie is really weird I find, but I like it.. I might watch it today .. haha.

"Give my regards to King Tut, asshole!"

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Here is another clue:

"So you think you've solved in fourteen days what they couldn't solve in two years?"

"I'm here in case you succeed."

"I guess the word dweeb wouldn't mean anything to you."

If you guys don't get it by the end of today, I am going to give you one last quote that will give you the answer lol..

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I'm almost pretty sure it is now. Well here's mine:

"headin' west to Can-Tuck-Y"

"there's a war on how is it your heading west?"

"well we kinda face to the north and real subtle like turn left"

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I'm almost pretty sure it is now. Well here's mine:

"headin' west to Can-Tuck-Y"

"there's a war on how is it your heading west?"

"well we kinda face to the north and real subtle like turn left"

Okay so no one guessed that one, and this post is too fun to get rid of... so we move on:

Name this movie:

"I'll let fate decide what to do with you. If the police don't get you, the other Chinese families will. Do what you will father, but this time no one will go to prison for you."

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I know I'm cutting Mack, but I just thought of a good one. "I can't believe it. She knew my name. Some of my best friends didn't even know my name."

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I know I'm cutting Mack, but I just thought of a good one.  "I can't believe it.  She knew my name.  Some of my best friends didn't even know my name."

There's something about Mary. Great movie.... "Have you seen my baseball"

Here's one, should be easy:

"Did ya hear that I finally graduated"

"Yeah and just a shade under a decade too, alright"

"You know a lot of people go to college for 7 years"

"I know, they're called doctors"

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