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JR Boucicaut

Briere stripped of C?

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Looked at pics of Briere and he in fact is photographed in both uniforms wearing the C. So, I guess that is what it is - they rotate it every game.

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I read somewhere (maybe in another thread) that next season teams won't be able to have co-captains or three A's and no C (like PIT had this season). Anyone know if that's true or not?

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I don't really see how you can regulate teams changing who the captain is... maybe you could make it mandatory to have a designated "C" but if you wanted to take the title and give it to another player i'm pretty sure you should be able to, whether it be once a year, every month like the wild used to do, not sure if they still do, or every other game like the sabres... at least they dont try to pull having like three "C's" at once like a lot of amateur teams do for fear of hurting someones feelings lol... in general i think the league has bigger fish to fry this offseason....cough hits to the head cough....

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I read somewhere (maybe in another thread) that next season teams won't be able to have co-captains or three A's and no C (like PIT had this season). Anyone know if that's true or not?

I believe teams will have to designate someone as the captain, no more three A stuff next year.

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Are they actually going to enforce who is allowed to talk to the refs as well. Right now, it's like everyone can have their say.

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I think the ref talking thing isn't made a big deal of since the guys that usually are over there talking to the refs are guys that are very well established, and even if they don't have a letter the refs know them well/etc

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I think the ref talking thing isn't made a big deal of since the guys that usually are over there talking to the refs are guys that are very well established, and even if they don't have a letter the refs know them well/etc

As a Wings fan, with a purely unbiased view, when my opinion could in fact be biased, (Look at the big/established names on the 2001-2002 cup champs roster) Doesn't that put the teams with fewer "big names/establised players" at somewhat of a disadvantage?

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