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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley perscription visor?

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isn't the prescription the way the lense is curved and the thickness, it seems like it would be really hard to make a prescription visor and have it be normal.

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Contacts and a full cage. I found this combo to work best. I laugh when some of my teamates with visors continually complain that they are scratched and fogged. Most have now changed to cages as well.

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I don't see any way that this 'prescription visor' is at all possible, nor that any company is actively doing it and anyone can get it. Nor do I believe that if it did exist, it would only cost $90 - do you know how much a regular pair of glasses costs? What does a regular oakley visor cost by itself, like $70? No way are they doing the extra work of making something custom just for your eyes, and doing all the labour that goes into a piece of prescription eyewear, and developing an entirely new and apparently top-secret process; and giving it all to you to make that extra 20 dollars... And then not advertising it, or telling anyone about it.

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cage all the way. Thought of using a visor last week, decided at the last minute to switch back to my cage.... got hit by the puck in the cage that night too....

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Oakley doesn't do it. They have, for football, but that is much easier than a hockey shield, as it is much thinner, and not curved as much.

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