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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15s in Chicago

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Anybody know of a Chicago shop that carries these? My LHS still doesn't have my size, and they are charging $100 over the online price...their "service" is definitely not worth the extra money. What prices are you guys seeing in the shops?

JR, maybe you could set me up with some stealths over the summer if I stop by your shop in Pontiac (will be in Michigan at least once over the summer)?

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Anybody know of a Chicago shop that carries these? My LHS still doesn't have my size, and they are charging $100 over the online price...their "service" is definitely not worth the extra money. What prices are you guys seeing in the shops?

JR, maybe you could set me up with some stealths over the summer if I stop by your shop in Pontiac (will be in Michigan at least once over the summer)?

My store is in Novi. I live in Pontiac - now moving to Novi next month.

I don't have them in stock.

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Anybody know of a Chicago shop that carries these? My LHS still doesn't have my size, and they are charging $100 over the online price...their "service" is definitely not worth the extra money. What prices are you guys seeing in the shops?

Total Hockey had them in when I picked up some One90s, but I didn't look at the price. I think Gunzo's had them but I can't remember, haven't been there in a couple weeks.

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usahockey22 I got mine at Jerrys in alsip, they have them Total hockey does so does Arctic Ice Arena thoes are the only places where I have seen them so far

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Do you know when these will be in sotres in Canada? I went to the hockey shop and they said the production was delayed.

I have seen them at Just Hockey and Majer Hockey in Toronto.

Did they actually have them in stock or just the demo skate out on display.

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If you're ever in the Twin Cities, I've seen them at about 4-5 different hockey shops. Maybe you could drive up into Wisconsin as well? I'm guessing Suter's Gold Medal Sports would carry the stuff. There is Hockey Locker in Milwaukee, but I'm not sure if they carry Eastons.

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