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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Clindoxyl Gel is cheaper,easier and more effective than proactive.It is a topical antibiotic combined with benzole peroxide.It worked great for my daughter after she got fed up with pro active.Available by perscription.

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As a physician, I'd need to see how many pimples you have and what type. It could be as simple as using some benzyl peroxide or benzyl peroxide with antibiotics. Accutane is for extremely severe acne, I'd refer you to derm for that

Oh, and to add, Proactive is benzl peroxide with GREAT marketing

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Not like I'm going to run out to a tanning bed and see if it works, but I have heard a lot that tanning helps acne amazingly? Just wondering if it was true?

Tanning hides the redness (especially if you have fair skin)from your blemishes, but it actually thickens the skin, making acne even worse eventually.

I took Accutane and that worked really well for me. Like others have said, it made things worse initially, but I haven't had any problems since I stopped taking it 8 years ago. My brother, however, took it four different times (each time for a few months) and it never resolved his problems.

So its effectiveness varies among users. It does have some pretty serious side effects, such as dehydration (I remember carrying chapstick around all the time), and birth defects (if you are a pregnant woman you mustn't take it). Like davis suggested, you should see a dermatologist. Ask your parents too if they had similar problems when they were your age and when did it cease to be a problem.

They also had some issues with depression or something to that extent a few years back - my contention is that some kids with all those hormones coming through just had no clue what they were feeling. Accutane also has the potential to damage your liver. I think that you need to have a few blood tests during at least the first few months to monitor that. Dermatologists were giving it out like candy about 5 years ago, but like others have said, it's use is much more conservative now.

I forgot about the blood tests. I had to have one every month to see how my liver was doing. Also, alcohol is prohibited because it will overload your liver and nullify the effects of your medication.

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I've personally tried like everything you can that comes without prescription with no success until I used Neutrogena Facial Wash Acne Soap. I started around New Years and my skin has cleared up a lot...haven't had any really nasty pimples since I've switched to it either. I get some red spotches on my face every once in a while due to who knows what, but slapping a quality moisturizer (my Uncle who is a pharmacist got me this like ultra concentrated vitamin e cream, it works really well, probably have some in drug stores) on those places takes care of it right away. The bar is only like $1.85 so it's worth a shot. The soap has no acid or any other ingrediant that most other cleansers have but works well. I'm thinking that the stuff in most other cleaners actually aggravate my skin and makes it worse.

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Tanning works great to get rid of pimples! Make sure to wash your face before tanning though(because the tanning bed will tighten your pores, so you don't want dirt to be trapped in) :)

I find Pro-Activ doesn't work that great, but Tersaseptic Shampoo does. It says shampoo on the bottle, but it really actually works. It drastically decreases the amount of oil from your skin all day. :)

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The reason that tanning helps is because the UV rays are very effective at killing micro-organisms...as well as your own skin cells. This is why you get tan, because you are damaging skin cells. Also the extra skin tone should help cover up some of the acne spots. But once you stop tanning it will probably come back even worse.

This is also why leaving your gear out in the hot sun for a few hours will actually kill any bacteria or fungus that is in there better than most other methods. As for your cleaning your helmet or gear, that won't really make much difference. The bacteria that are responsible are everywhere, and when you sweat, you can't avoid it. So it's important to just take a shower as soon as possible after you workout, or at least rinse off your face.

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I was the same as alot of people and all the soaps and washes didn't really do it for me. Got put on Accutane for 3 months about 2 years ago and haven't had much acne since.

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I'm sure you've tried this...but try eating less greasy food or chocolate? I've heard those cause outbreaks very easily...

Getting some sun also helped me a lot. I was a ghost up until a couple weeks ago when everyone started swimming again, and now my face is pretty clear. And do what JR says about the helmet washing. Not only is it worth a try, but it is just nice to have a clean helmet on.

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I'm sure you've tried this...but try eating less greasy food or chocolate? I've heard those cause outbreaks very easily...


The thing with greasy foods is that simply eating them won't worsen your skin, but if you're eating a chocolate bar with your hands (which everyone except people on that one Seinfeld episode does) and you touch your skin, the greasiness from the bar placed directly can cause blemishes.

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since i was probably 12-13 i had nasty acne. im now 16, and i visited a dermatologist regularly during this 4 year span. he put me through about every acne prescription available, but my face had just as much acne. then he finally prescribed accutane. i saw what people wrote already and they pretty much covered eveything. the stuff is a miracle drug though. im acne free now for about a half year. id definitely recomend it.

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I'm sure you've tried this...but try eating less greasy food or chocolate? I've heard those cause outbreaks very easily...


really? wow.

"mom, get me a big mac!" :lol:

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Been on pretty much everything out there. Accutane worked wonders for me. I just got put back on it after 3 years because Im tired of all this cream and antibiotics crap.

While I wasnt on accutane, I found that a quality face wash was key. That and, netrogena on the spot treatment...or something like that, good for reducing redness and size of some pimples throughout the day.


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They used to make an astringent face wash that worked wonders. It was called 10-0-6.

Go to any drug store and ask for astringents for acne/pimples. Wash with Nuetragena real well and rinse. Then you put some of the astringent on a cotton ball and scrub really well. It gets into the pores and lifts dirt and Bacteria really well. It is alchohol based so it is really easy to find, just dont let it run into your eyes.

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try not to use a cleanser that will irritate your skin, like oxypads. i have been using spectro gel for about a year now and haven't had any major breakouts.

also you shouldn't wash your face too many time in a day or you will again irritate your skin. 2-3 times a day is enough,

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Some people use chemical peels to lessen the scars, and even laser treatment. You should ask a dermatologist what the options are.

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you can wear a bandana and wash it after every game. This way your not getting the old sweat/dirt/bacteria from the last game ground into your pours.

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Since everyone thinks accutane works the best! I was wondering since they say the side effects are depression and Suicidal Thoughts & Behavior!!! Has anyone that has taken accutane felt this or known of anyone that has gone through this???

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I took it, and have 5 or 6 friends who did as well, and only one mentioned feeling depressed. It could have been things other than his medication, or a combination of the two.

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I have never had any side effects from Accutane other than dry skin. I will say however, that it is very frustrating that Im not supposed to drink on accutane.


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