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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick questions

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I use a Bauer Vapor V2 OPS with a P88 pattern ( lie 6) The tape wears a bit too much on the heel so I am thinking about picking up a One50 OPS in a P9 at my LHS since they have a great deal on them and that's about what I can pay for a stick right now. The lie is a 5 and it is a St. Louis curve. The P88 has more of a rockered bottom and the P9 pretty straight.

Does the rocker increase or decrease the lie, and what benefits does a rockerd pattern have?

Is the One50 a better stick as far as durability and so on?

Thanks !!!

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Rocker makes the blade play as if it has a lower lie [sic]. Not sure of benefits, chadd is a better source of info for that as he explained the rocker concept on the boards earlier.

The one50 is a bargain stick, fiberglass and carbon. The blade will go before the shaft does.

Want durability? Get a blade/shaft combo so you can replace the blade!

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the one50 stick is horrible, don't waste your money. It feels like a dried out wood stick. Personally, I'd much rather have a middle to high end wood stick than a stick like the one50.

But that is just my opinion.

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Bigger rocker allows more people to use a blade even though the lie is not right for them. With a big rocker you can use the blade even if the lie is a little too high or low. A flatter rocker will emphasize an incorrect lie and make the problem more obvious.

Going from a P88 to a P9 should be enough of a change that the flatter bottom will not be a problem.

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The vapor V2 is a decent stick for the money but as drew said you can get former top of the line sticks for about the same price, heck you can get pro stocks for a little more. EWH has xn10 pro stocks for $80 you spend a little more and you get free shipping.

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Bigger rocker allows more people to use a blade even though the lie is not right for them. With a big rocker you can use the blade even if the lie is a little too high or low. A flatter rocker will emphasize an incorrect lie and make the problem more obvious.

So I could still use the P88 as a backup. I do like the P9 pattern, maybe just need to find it in a better stick. Thanks all !!!

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