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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Messageboard

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I just want to let know every1 who has been on Easton messageboard in the past, that it works again an there's no such excuse: "down for maintenance".

So it would be good if you could have a look there sometimes, becuz there are only a few ppl writing. :)

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  oliverloran said:

I just want to let know every1 who has been on Easton messageboard in the past, that it works again an there's no such excuse: "down for maintenance".

So it would be good if you could have a look there sometimes, becuz there are only a few ppl writing. :)

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that's because the board sucks.

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ive been on the easton board a few times and it seems like all the retards who get banned from msh go over there and post that the sl is the best stick ever over and over again.

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  cougarscaptain87 said:

ive been on the easton board a few times and it seems like all the retards who get banned from msh go over there and post that the sl is the best stick ever over and over again.

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pretty much. I mean no disrespect for the "roots" of MSH but at this point the easton board just sucks. It's horrible, barely any moderation, basically a bunch of kids acting like they know something.

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i joined the easton board about 5 years ago and it has been going downhill since. i don't think they approve/deny requests to join the board, meaning any little 10 year old kid can get on and ruin it. I try to post over there every now and then, but with MSH here, there's really no use to.

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Yeah pretty much I would say 5 or 6 years ago I joined the Easton Board, at the time you didnt even have to sign up, on each post you just put in your user name. Easton was never a great MB and it really wasnt set up to be a great forum like MSH is. Then as Chadd said GURU threatened to close down the board because it was just a mess. So then (some guy many of us dont like) opened up corebeam. Corebeam was great for a while, then it went downhill as the aformentioned person began to care less about the board and more about the lord. The mods at the time got together and secretly opened up MSH, then word started getting out and thats where we are today.

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Yea, i totally agree about that some kids were ruinin it, but i think like 2 yrs, i sort of enjoyed being there, somehow i feel a bit easier to navigate on that messageboard. I feel that here on MSH the topics change so rapidly that its hard to look up one which, was on the top aa week ago, 2 weeks later you have to make a hunt to find it. But anyway, there are much more ppl here more opinions, but for me, i like mostly Easton stuff, and i'm so far mostly satisfied with it, so i don't like searching for only the Easton topic, it's easier there.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  Vapor said:

Corebeam was great for a while, then it went downhill as the aformentioned person began to care less about the board and more about the lord.

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Are the Lord and cash intertwined?

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DANGER! DANGER! Will Robinson! (Waves Arms Frantically...) :o

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wow, I went onto the board for the first time in months and read four threads. All involved "What are the best gloves/sticks/skates/etc" and all responses were either; "Vapor XXXs are the best gloves" or "I like Vapor XXXs, and Eagles and MIAs and one70s, I love how they fit." I didn't log in because I knew I wouldn't have kept my mouth shut... so I came here to bitch/complain.

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