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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vancouver Canucks Euipment Sale

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  On 1/28/2011 at 8:41 PM, M.W. said:

What's their pricing like?

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I haven't been there since they opened but I've heard some pretty good things about them. The pricings almost identical to what you'd find at the equipment sales. Only problem is, that their shipments aren't planned(from what they told me). They do it approx. every month but there's no set date so it's usually hit or miss.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 6:10 PM, HattrickSwayze said:

I'm going to be in Vancouver next Friday. Where exactly is this shop at in relation to the arena? I'd like to check it out. Do they ever have gloves or pants, stuff like that?

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Alright, so to be honest the store is nowhere near the actual GM Place. You should look for a Pacific Colliseum or the PNE. It's right across the street from the PNE. And they've got everything, even the odd skates. But like I said before, they only get new shipments once a month so it's either hit or miss. But your coming in around the 4/5th right? I'd think there'd be a fair selection.

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Oh ok, I wasn't sure what the PNE was until I Googled it. I've got it now. Yeah I'll be up there the 4th, but probly won't do any hockey shop touring until the 5th. The old credit card's going to get a workout that weekend.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 6:28 PM, HattrickSwayze said:

Oh ok, I wasn't sure what the PNE was until I Googled it. I've got it now. Yeah I'll be up there the 4th, but probly won't do any hockey shop touring until the 5th. The old credit card's going to get a workout that weekend.

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Cool. As far as touring goes, the lower mainland doesn't exactly have the best stores. You've probably come across "The Hockey Shop's" website before. That would probably be the best shop you can go to on your trip. Or Cyclone Taylor's. And perhaps the Sports Exchange on Burrard.

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  On 1/30/2011 at 6:07 AM, stevo_323 said:

anyone know when this years is going to be?

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A bit too early man. Plus, when something DOES come up, it'll be posted by one of the mods at the "important threads". Mods had to close the "Equipment Sale" Thread due to too many people asking when it was.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 8:12 PM, CaptainCanuck16 said:

I was there a few weeks ago and they already had some TotalOne Sedins and Kesler X:60 Sticks.

Not much for Gloves except a few pretty beat up RBK.

Was planning to swing by again next week.

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What size were the Sedin Total Ones? TY

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  On 1/31/2011 at 10:10 AM, SolidifiedPenguin said:

You wanna know what size the sticks are?

For skates i know they wear size 6.5...Pretty small for a guys that big.

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Answered my question....TY

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  On 1/31/2011 at 10:10 AM, SolidifiedPenguin said:

You wanna know what size the sticks are?

For skates i know they wear size 6.5...Pretty small for a guys that big.

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I could be corrected but my bud picked up a pair Sedin 9K for one of the Canucks past equipment sales and they're actually size 7 3/4.....

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I stopped by there this past weekend and here's a few thing that I saw.....


Edler-One95 14"

Hordichuck-Easton 4 Rolls 14"

Mitchell-Bauer Vapor XXXX 15"



O'Brian-Bauer Vapor

Tambellini-Easton 4 Rolls


Rome-Bauer Vapor(couple of pairs)

Raymond-Bauer Vapor

There were quite a few RBK with no names, just "Canucks" on the cuff. Most of the used glove were fair. The ones listed were not bad.


Pretty decent selection, some S19, EQ50, TotalOne to name a few.

SKATES, only pair that caught my eye were Maholtra 11K


Mainly 9K & 5K Lge, ExLge.

Some goalie gear there too, blockers, catching gloves, legs and a few sticks.


Size 56 & 58 and 58+

I usually stop by there a couple to three times a month and right now it's the best selection they have had since they opened in the summer.

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  On 2/2/2011 at 5:29 AM, CanuckFan said:

I could be corrected but my bud picked up a pair Sedin 9K for one of the Canucks past equipment sales and they're actually size 7 3/4.....

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Friend on my team picked up a pair of his One95s the past equipment sale and they are 6.5s. Just going from what i've seen.

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Wasn't quite sure where to ask this question, and certainly seems silly to start a thread...

Was curious if anyone has been to the Canucks Outlet Store and seen any of Kesler's sticks...My question is, what pattern has he been using?

I read an interesting story in SI about how he's switched to 82 flex sticks when (early this season) he unknowingly grabbed an 82 flex off the rack after one of his sticks broke in game and he scored with it. (Coincidentally, he's been having a great year)

Just curious what pattern he's been using. Thanks in advance...

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i've had about 3 or 4 kesler sticks all from different years

and its a long version of the easton iginla... nothing like a p92, cause its closed/neutral, his first year stick was a 107. and it kept on going down from there, the last one i've got is a vapor 40 and it is a 97,

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i noticed during the interview with scott oake that he had "2/19 82" written with blue marker on his stick.. maybe that's the date of game that he used the stick and the flex?

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  On 2/20/2011 at 8:51 AM, KC83 said:

i've had about 3 or 4 kesler sticks all from different years

and its a long version of the easton iginla... nothing like a p92, cause its closed/neutral, his first year stick was a 107. and it kept on going down from there, the last one i've got is a vapor 40 and it is a 97,

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odd, because the x60 of his i have seen says p92 and is

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  On 2/20/2011 at 9:51 AM, odieg14 said:

odd, because the x60 of his i have seen says p92 and is

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thats probably the hockey shop special... if you goto the hockey shop, bauer released a bunch of sticks with players names on them just so they would sell...

but here are the codes on his pro vapor xxxx and his vapor xxx lite and his one95




and if you goto the canucks outlet, you will see his x:60 game used(kinda) with the same code

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