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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin pads over tongue of skate?

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I skated with my tongues behind the shins forever until about 2 years ago i switched from Bauer/Grafs to CCM's. A freind of mine was playing college hockey and I noticed he switched to tongue out, and I joked with him because I said he was trying to jock Scott Gomez ( SG grew up around here and my buddy knows him pretty well ) and he said that it seriously just gave him more flexibility. I tried it and it felt wierd at first, but my vectors have an easy-to-fold tongue and I've been skating Jordan style ( tongue out ) ever since. Its also pretty retro. lol

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Skated with pads over tongues for a long time, recently switched to tongues over pads. Only reason was so I could re-tie laces without taking off half my stuff.

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I have never tucked my tongues inside of the pads. And with my current Vector 8.0's, the tongue seems to naturally flop and fold down. This has come to bite me in the A$$ a couple of times, but I simply can't get comfortable with tucking the tongues in.

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Yeah, I find it easier to re-tie my skates when I skate Jordan style. I have pretty much worn out my Vector Pro's and wanted to try and go back to bauer and use the one 90's but the tongue is neoprene and I dont want to spend $590 on custom one90's just for the tongue. I was able to snag a pair of RBK 8K's ( almost identical in cut to the vector pro, thicker sole though ) for $129 on 70% off! lol So I'll be flopping those over too.

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My Vapor XIX's don't flop, they just kind of stand up like rabbit ears. Maybe it's more protection, I don't know.

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I like the flop, I just push them down and fold them over. Some guys tape the tongues down until they stay after break in. Protection wise, my sg's touch the top of my skate so Im good to go.

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i wear my shin guards over my tongue because, like alot of people said the comfort and also since i am a defensemen i block a lot of shots and it doesn't hurt as much when the puck hits the shin pad first instead of the tongue and then shin pad.

Another reason why I wear them like that. When I was a defenseman in Peewee and Midget, I was a stay at home D-man, inspired by Jason Smith and Scott Stevens. When I became a forward, I played like my favorite player, Ryan Smyth, and kinda like Darcy Tucker.

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Really, for me it depends on the model of shin that I am using. When I wore my thinner bauer's, I liked them nice and tight against my leg. I wore them tongue out. With my CCM tacks (wider model) I wear them outside of my tongue.

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