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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM19 SOP

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Just got them in. The sticks feel great, very light and a good balance. The blades are actually pretty damn good. Went with no grip 75 flex, the stick length was 63". had them custom made after the Easton Gaborik pattern. as you can see from the photos they are dead on balls accurate. NICE JOB! :D they did take close to 10 weeks though :ph34r: now lets see how they do on the ice. I'll keep an update. oh, and I know its a meat hook but I like it :P








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I have a friend in the "BIZ" so cost for me(don't ask). but roughly $210 - $220 a stick, you have to order a minimum of 3.

you get custom color, custom grip, custom flex, and custom blade (SOP). oh, and your name on the shaft.

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I think I'll stick to my rm9. For $100 you can't go wrong. It's the best stick I've ever used.

By the way does anyone know what curve the IG PP/12 is or is comparable to. That's what I have but don't know exactly what it is.

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Very nice! I love the lighter flexes, but that curve is just a bit too crazy for me, haha. That Gaborik pattern seems like a NBH PH2/P02 (which I normally use), just kicked up a few notches.

Was there an option for the lie of the stick as well?

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Was there an option for the lie of the stick as well?

yup. I sent them a blade taken from 1 of my old Stealth's 5.5 lie. thats what I wanted and thats what I got

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just out of curiosity, whats the weight on these sticks? ive never had access to a RM19, so ive never been able to pick one up, but the RM7, and RM9, seem a touch heavy compared to other sticks in their price range. being the stick whore i am, ive always wanted to experiment with one of the RM19 sticks. could anyone compare the feel of the stick to another "top of the line" stick?

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is it balanced well? or is it a little blade heavy? sorry to bombard you with questions, but my shop doesnt carry the RM19 and i havent seen it any where else around me.

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hopefully not durabilty wise :rolleyes:

joe- just out of curiosity, why did you order the sticks to be 63'' long if you cut them down to roughly 58''? you arent getting a true 75 flex if you cut it down as much as it appears in the pictures.

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yeah all RM19's come at a length of 63", I don't think it is an option. not sure really, but after I cut the stick down its still pretty "whippy" more so than an 85 flex from Easton (obviously).

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With the custom pattern thing, is it possible to make any slight changes to the pattern you send them (i.e. a Lindros with a square toe and maybe slightly lower lie would have me cuddling the stick in bed) - or will they only make exactly what you send them?

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don't know. I would find a similar wood blade and shape it to what you like and send it in.

not sure if you could draw a pattern on paper. I'll try and find out.

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How does the color options work on those? Could you get like a solid colored shaft with whatever color writing or no?

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Does anyone know what a Sherwood Medium flex equals on the Easton scale?

Also has anyone tried their shafts? The XD or the Rythem 19 specifically.


Sherwood's flex chart is the similar to Easton's. 75, 85(medium), 95, 105, etc.

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Wouldn't regular be an 85?

Their chart:

Medium, Regular, Stiff, X-Stiff, XX-Stiff

ur right. the label on my stick reads 75 flex. wich is medium.

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