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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kids seen today with their equipment

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Well I was thinking of opening this topic because after what I've seen many kids equipment today I was shock and amazed. I see a kid in the corner with a pair of XXX and hes in house league playing a 3 on 3 game. I see a girl on the opposite side with like the best equipment out of all the kids. nbh 8500 lid, easton sl, synergy pants, vapor X gloves, and like a pair of XiX. This made me feel stupid because of how low end equipment can compare with those kids. This also shows how spoil one can be and is just for fun this topic.

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they whole thing with that is it is outragous but its soo much cheeper than the senior sizes so u have to keep that in mind but yea no kid playing 3v3 needs XXX

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Let em wear what they want is what I say. If their parents want to spend the money to equip their children with the best equipment, then let them. I was fortunate enough to have my parents buy me mid-end equipment over the years, but now it's on me unless I need skates.

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im 13 and i think i pretty much have top of the line stuff, one90 skates, one90 gloves ccm 1092 lid , and some sticks: se one90, vapor xxx. but now i have to buy all my own stuff so most of this is on me

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Not really that big of a deal. Not everyone will be good at hockey so since they are not the best they can't have top of the line gear? Also if they can afford it and want it ( parents don't have any problems with it) why not? Almost any hockey player would take it.

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Not really that big of a deal. Not everyone will be good at hockey so since they are not the best they can't have top of the line gear? Also if they can afford it and want it ( parents don't have any problems with it) why not? Almost any hockey player would take it.

Great post Barrett!

There was a thread I started (I think got lost in the server crash) that we talked about parents buying their kids the best equipment..... There was a couple very insightful posts in it(HockeyMom had a great one) about hockey being how a parent can spend with their son/daughter and gear shopping can be more quality time spent together or for me, I use it as incentive for my son in school. No one cares what someone elses wears...you dont actually know what they paid for it or why they bough it....

If that same gear was offered to you, would you say, "No, I am not good enough to have it...."???? ;) <_< :ph34r:

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I hate the kids that will haggle others for their gear. If they than afford it , then they should be able to get it. I have no problems with what stuff people wear. The haggling really pisses me off. Worry about yourself. Sometimes its the top end gear that may fit you best too.

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Mite league around here, 10-15 kids have SENIOR Vapor XXXlites cut down like 1-2 feet, and around 7 kids have Vapor XXXX skates. It's crazy here.

Mite league around here, 10-15 kids have SENIOR Vapor XXXlites cut down like 1-2 feet, and around 7 kids have Vapor XXXX skates. It's crazy here.

Mite league around here, 10-15 kids have SENIOR Vapor XXXlites cut down like 1-2 feet, and around 7 kids have Vapor XXXX skates. It's crazy here.

Mite league around here, 10-15 kids have SENIOR Vapor XXXlites cut down like 1-2 feet, and around 7 kids have Vapor XXXX skates. It's crazy here.

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wow thats pretty intense but I think its a pretty good idea that u give best equiment when there young but not when there seniors =s.

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Its their choice what to buy. When my daughter started at 6, the owner at my LHS put her in NBH 5030. The stiff high end boot wasn't the best for her development. 6 mos later, she grew, and went to the One30s, again at the advice of the LHS guy. Not the best choice for his pockets, but what he thought was best for her. It was that kind of service that got daddy to buy his G5 Ultras there.

Point being, parents should buy what is best for their little players, be it top of the line stuff or otherwise.

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I completely understand what everyone is saying here and I would have to say, if it fits, great, but keep it within reason. I mean today I had a game and I saw this kid who looked as if he had never skated in his life rockin some S15's. It's stuff like that which gets me. Too bad I'm gonna grow up to have a kid thats gonna sucker me into buying the best skates for his first season ever

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im 16 now but when i was 12 and 13 i had good equipment for then, some of the kids who have all those nice things may have something you dont know, maby they dont break many sticks or maby it was for christmas not all parents go out and buy their kids 200 dollar sticks or 400 dollar skates at that age. Btw youth sise equipment is MUCH cheaper than the senior gear

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No they dont but they also have fun with it and afterall im sure 99.9999% of people on this sight have had a piece of hockey equipment that they dont need or could have gotten by without.

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do kids like tykes and novice need the best of the best when they cant shoot a puck 99km/h?

No they need wood sticks so they can learn what handling a puck really feels like.

But then again you never know, maybe that youngster with a chopped down senior OPS is one his older sibling broke and they re-used or something. Skates and protective should just be whatever fits the most comfortable for them.

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I have a 6 year old son...

He does have expensive equipment, by youth sizing standards.

My son wears Tackla pants, Supreme 50 skates, 6k shins, 6k elbows, 4K shoulders, Tackla air 5000 gloves, shock Dr. hockey jock, you get the point.

I peroidically take my son to sticks and pucks. I want him to be safe! I keep him protected as much as I possibly can but, it only takes one rogue slapshot from someone who can't control thier shot to end his livlihood.

His newest piece of equipment is his skates. When I took him to get them, he originally wanted 9k's, which was fine with me. When he tried them on, however, they hurt his ankles (right where the pump is) and he didn't want those anymore. The Supreme 50's were the best fit.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, I am relieved that my boy has, at a young age, learned that what he needs and what advertisements say, are two very different things.

He does not need the best equipment to play with kids his age. He does, in my opinion, need the best equipment to play with me. That's what this great sport is really all about. A tradition passed down from father to son, generation after generation.

Vapor XXX skates are not going to help him if he can't skate. Composite sticks are not going to help him if he can't stick handle. Falling down is not going to help him if it puts him in a coma.

He deserves THE BEST equipment that suits him for his purposes. Under the circumstances, cost is no object.

Yes, by the way, he insists on carrying his own bag... no pansy wheels!

I'll even bet that at least half the people bitching on this thread have candy-ass wheel bags...

If you're one of them, my 6 year old is tougher than you! Quit bitching and grow a pair!

Worry about yourself instead of other kids equipment, and remember, WE CAN NIT-PICK YOU TOO!

This has to be the bitchiest, most jealous thread ever!

Mods... Can we lock this one down now?

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I don't think this needs to be locked...

There are kids with nice equipment, some young, some younger. Kids can have good equipment even if they aren't that good at playing. There are two types of kids with good equipment, the spoiled ones, and the non-spoiled.

The spoiled ones flaunt their gear around, and are always getting new stuff. They're constantly complaining that their sticks are too heavy, or the balance is wrong, and ask if they should get the new Synergy or the Vapor XXX Lite. Their skates must be top of the line, and they don't care if they break a stick, since it's not their money, and their paretns will pay for another.

The non-spoiled could have equally nice equipment, except they focus on the game, instead of the scuff on their Pro Stock Vapor XXX gloves. They could and would play with equipment bought on clearance at the Sports Authority, the lowest of the low, so long as they got to play the game. The gear is voluntarily given to them by loving parents, or bought with birthday or Christmas money with the full intention to invest 100% of it into playing hockey.

Notice that many players have nice equipment, but we will complain about one and not the other, simply because although both may be "spoiled" in relation to getting nice equipment, but one plays the game and is respectable, while the other doesn't and is disliked.

My philosophy: Better players make the equipment look good, but good equipment cannot make players better.

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