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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S. Niedermayer's Stick

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I think Hat-trick had a shaft of his for sale last summer - can't remember if it was 90 or 95 flex. Last I recall he was using a shaft painted like a One90.

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i cant remember off the top of my head, but if scott is who im thinking and not getting the 2 confused then he is using a standard shaft that is dressed up like a one90, and a nbh graphite blade, which i would assume is the "one90" blade to go with the "one90" shaft. i used the quotations simply becasue we never know what they are really using, just what it appears that they are using

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i cant remember off the top of my head, but if scott is who im thinking and not getting the 2 confused then he is using a standard shaft that is dressed up like a one90, and a nbh graphite blade, which i would assume is the "one90" blade to go with the "one90" shaft. i used the quotations simply becasue we never know what they are really using, just what it appears that they are using

One90 is a Standard Shaft

He's using tapered shaft

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at the pro stock level, you can get the one90 in tapered, as i have personally seen it. He's probably also using a nbh vapor xx blade, which are the pro stock blade if i recall

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i picked up a xxx of his last year, it was a shaft with a tapered blade, but the real modification to the stick was the texture on his blade, i kid you not he took rubber cement like adhesive, covered the front of the blade with it then covered that in a sand type mixture, the sand you would find at a river with larger pebbles, it was crazy

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no one will really know what it is unless someone from Bauer confirms it. Ive taken in both pro stock one90 shafts that are tapered and standard.. ive also taken in xxx lite shafts that are tapered and standard.. The company will make the stick look like whatever they want it to look like depending on what they want the player to be using at the time.

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Looks like one of those two piece graphite sticks to me..Would I be able to get one of those sticks? Looks very cool.

What a simple tape job he has, too..

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I like how Vermette is watching Niedermeyer's eyes, and not the puck. Smart play.

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I like how Vermette is watching Niedermeyer's eyes, and not the puck. Smart play.

Very smart play but with a player of his caliber he could probably tell you what he is going to do and even though you know what he will do, still unstoppable! LOL

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