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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks in the shower

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I was watching the game last night and the commentadors were showing a clip of one of the players telling an equipment manager to go fetch his special sticks from the shower. My question is why would he do this? Does it make the stick flex better or something?

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When I was a kid (a long time ago) we used to put our wood sticks in the hot shower so they would absorb the steam and keep them from drying out and becoming brittle. Not sure if that really worked, but as kids, we swore by it. I am sure they have a better reason for it now!

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yea i heard this too he was telling him to take the plug out off one stick and put it into a different one

i dont really remember but i think he meant that they were near the shower not in it

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it was Sean O'Donnell talking to his equipment manager, maybe a superstition of his (the shower). He use's a OPS, so that theory of him wetting the wood is false.

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it was Sean O'Donnell talking to his equipment manager, maybe a superstition of his (the shower). He use's a OPS, so that theory of him wetting the wood is false.

yeah ... I know

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I could see him doing this if he had the sticks in a hot shower.

Variations between the flex of a composite stick at 32 degree F and the flex of the same composite stick at room temperature varies by quite a few pounds of flex.

But he'd have to keep cycling between the sticks every couple of shifts because each stick would get back to the cold rink temperature real fast.

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uhh maybe the ducks equipment manager just put the extra sticks in the shower? most NHL rink visitor's rooms I've seen are pretty crappy with nothing more than a room or two with folding chairs and hooks on the wall. Maybe they just ran out of room, and decided to put the extras in a spare shower?

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