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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tim Connolly gloves

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Anyone know what these are? Looks like a cross between an Eagle Paragon and a Graf glove pictured below. Sorry for the pics, the best pic of the gloves was on the cover of the hockey news a couple of weeks back.




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definatly has almost identical cuff of the graf, has the eagle thumb, but from what i can see the "rolls" are neither of the 2 gloves, it looks like it has 2 full rolls across the top, and then 2 split rolls ala the paragon glove, interesting find.

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Different player, but same topic. Anyone notice Brad May's gloves?

I tried getting a good pic of them, but they look like a normal glove, but when he was interviewed before the game saturday, it looked like he had an extra patch of padding (it almost looked like a steel plate, but obviously that wouldn't be allowed) on the outside right of the back of each hand.

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Just an oversized cuff roll. Nothing more, nothing less.

I dunno ya know, look at the padding between the thumb and the first finger. Very different to the Paragons

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I don't think the cuff looks like a graf, the wave flows in opposite directions. The big part is near the thumb and shrinks towards the pinky on Connolly's, and the graf is the exact opposite.

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