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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hoffla 22

Shanahan, P10 Gagne

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What do I do?

They stopped making my curve. Both Easton and Bauer.

I have had custom blades made but its not the same as a one piece.

What are you guys doing? Is there any way to get the pattern back? Whats the secret?



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Bauer is still making the Gagne curve, its just not called the P10 anymore. Its now the P10something. I can't remember the last number at this particular moment, but its definetly available, and will also be available for the XXXX stick at holiday time.

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It's on the P106 but that's nowhere near the kind of curve it used to be.

Mack is right. The Gagne is now the Jokinen - P106. Which is a completely different curve than the P10.

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Gear makes the Bozek, Ripshot makes a clone, not sure if Mission is still making the Cole but do know that there are Mission pro-stock Marshall's which are the same thing (except 1/2 instead of 3/4).

There are options, but yes, they are drying up. If you are concerned then stock up. Otherwise, maybe they'll come around as EZ hints.

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sounds good.

i read the other thread, so you'll be able to do custom colors, flex and blade style.

Any idea when this will be availible? I need to get some sticks soon.

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sounds good.

i read the other thread, so you'll be able to do custom colors, flex and blade style.

Any idea when this will be availible? I need to get some sticks soon.

I believe the info is in that topic. If not, it should still probably be asked over there.

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