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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Six pack is fine, shots hurt me. That's what happens when you stop drinking for years. I'd have no team if they start doing this to everyone.

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A Six-pack a day doesn't keep the doctor away?

I would sue the doctor for violating doctor-patient priviledge. As long as the guy didn't admit to driving drunk regularly, the doctor should not have turned him in. Does this mean every person who goes into rehab will lose their license?

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That's for patients who are blind or fall asleep at the wheel. This is really an abuse of the system.

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There has to be more to this than the article is letting on. I'd bet there's a few more bombshells in the doc's report.

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Ok, I just endured the local news just for you guys. Here's the deal:

He has a heart condition and his doc asked if he consumed alcohol. He told the doc he drinks about a six pack at night after he gets home from work. The doctor told PennDot and they revoked his license without a hearing. He has to provide proof of attending substance abuse counseling (at his own expense) before he can apply to have his license reinstated.

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Having the heart condition would make it an extenuating circumstance for the doc, but I still think there's stuff to do with this case that hasn't been released to the public yet.

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PennDot won't release the doc's name to the press as it's confidential. I'll keep an eye on this for everyone. I'm guessing it's a doctor who is either against drinking or fed up with a patient who won't quit drinking despite the fact it's going to kill him. The patient had a lovely pair of teeth though.

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Jeez. I'll have to talk to my grandmother (who lives in Harrisburg) and see what she knows about this. She has alot of friends who are involved with the legal shit throughout the state, so she probably has a good deal of information about this thing. We are going down there to scatter my grandfather's ashes sometime after I get back from Detroit this weekend. Odds are we are going to play some golf, and the club is just always overflowing with lawyers and stuff, so I might hear some pretty good stuff.

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