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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacki-Mack Grips

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Hey, i just went to an antique store today to buy a tacki-mack grip. I got thier and got what i was looking for. Than the guy gave me a free blade grip, you know the rubber grip on the stick bloade that only covers the forhand and backhand. Im scared im gonna chip the hell out of my blade at the btoom, if i do how can i repair it and prevent it.

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If you're using wood, then you pretty much can't. If you're using a comp. blade then it shouldn't be a problem. I used to use that stuff for a long time. Only problem was that snow would build up on it.

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yah, sorry its comp, but im thinking about getting an XN-10 R2 with custom wood. Any special options i should add to enhance durability?

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Where did you find the Tacki-Mack grips, thats what Gretz used right? I've been looking for them EVERYWHERE, and still haven't found them, can you please post where you got them?

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
No, Gretz used Jack the Grippers.

Gretz now uses Tacki-mac Grips.

I have bought them two years straight for the sticks we make for him. All of his sticks are custom logo'ed and shipped cut to the proper height and with grip attached.

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yah, tacki-mack makes 2 kinds of knobs. A thiner long one and a fat short one. But the fat is is to big so i just go for the long and cut it.

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I've heard that they don't hold up that well. LHS said they stopped selling them for this reason. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Which one does Gretz use? They seem to be a good idea, tape tends to get worn after a short period of time and texture tends to smooth out and losse its grip...

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I knew there was a name for those things. That's what Schneider has on the end of his sticks. Did you keep the grip, Caine?

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