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Stick blade wear

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I'm thinking about getting a high end blade for my shaft. I only play roller and primarily outdoors on polished/painted concrete. I'm starting to play more indoor on sport court. I was wondering how the blade wear on sport court compares to blade wear on ice. Thanks in advance and sorry if this has already been discussed.

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It depends on how you tape your stick, but from my experience on sport court you will break your blade before it wears out and starts cracking. I don't tape my stick at all, which theoretically would tend to wear the bottom of the blade out faster. But I don't remember the last time a blade has actually worn out on me before breaking.

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On ice there is more pressure on the shaft then the blade because you arent going to flex your stick on the pavement but on the blade on the ground the blade is more likley to be torn to shreds on the bottom when using carbon or wood then on ice. On ice you will just snap the blade. If you use a ball just get a plastic it should work just as good. But if a puck get a wood but buy the cheapest one you can find.

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i play on ice and on sport court and i just use the same few sticks and i havent seen any premature breakage due to sport court, it tears your tape up a little faster, but the blades on my kronik and se's and whatever other sticks i rotate out seem to be holding up the same as if i played strictly ice.

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i play on ice and on sport court and i just use the same few sticks and i havent seen any premature breakage due to sport court, it tears your tape up a little faster, but the blades on my kronik and se's and whatever other sticks i rotate out seem to be holding up the same as if i played strictly ice.

Yea just to clarify my previous post, I wasn't trying to imply any premature breakage. I just wanted to get the point across that sports court does no more damage to a blade than ice would.

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i play on ice and on sport court and i just use the same few sticks and i havent seen any premature breakage due to sport court, it tears your tape up a little faster, but the blades on my kronik and se's and whatever other sticks i rotate out seem to be holding up the same as if i played strictly ice.

Put electrical tape on the bottom, there's less friction that way.

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you could also put shin tape on it, just run a layer along the bottom of the blade, then tape it over with stick tape as you normally would

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Duct tape works to. Put a little thin strip on bottom before cloth tape and then it should be fine. The duct tape will probobaly wear down every couple of uses.

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chadd, do you put it on the outside of the cloth tape of under the cloth tape?

Outside, or put it under and cut off the cloth tape on the bottom.

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Duct tape works to. Put a little thin strip on bottom before cloth tape and then it should be fine. The duct tape will probobaly wear down every couple of uses.

The only problem I have found with duct tape is that it leaves some wicked nasty residue behind sometimes when you peel it off. If you don't mind that then its not a bad choice.

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I really have only done it on wooden replacement blades for ice. I am sure that it is not the best option. Just saying that it worked for me.

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