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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hespeler website

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Just wondering why Hespeler hasn't updated their site...it's well into hockey equipment season and they still have their 2003 product.

And NOBODY has their Alpha Nemesis stick...that kinda blows. GUess Hespeler is having problems meeting demand.

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Just wondering why Hespeler hasn't updated their site...it's well into hockey equipment season and they still have their 2003 product.

And NOBODY has their Alpha Nemesis stick...that kinda blows. GUess Hespeler is having problems meeting demand.

There has been a lot of turmoil at Hespeler this year.

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There is no website for the 2004 Hespeler line because the Huffy Corporation didn't want to spend the money. They felt the snowboard division were more important for sales so there website needed to be completed 1st. A i know for a fact the site was finished nearly 3 months ago. It was just never taken from a mapped out stage to posting stage.

A lot of the problems and turmoil with Hespeler are a direct reflection of Huffy decisions.

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