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Sports Illustrated for Kids

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Does anyone have any experience with this magazine? My oldest son is 12 and my youngest is 10. If anyone has ever gotten SI for kids, or is getting SI for kids, or has kids getting SI for kids please tell me what you think. When I was a kid my dad got SI. Obviously the best thing all year was the swim suit issue...

Would it be more worthwhile, for my sons, to subscribe to the kids or adults version of SI??


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I loved this magazine when I was little! The younger son might like it a little better than the older though. The 12 year old is kind of on the edge b/w SI for Kids and regular SI.

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My suggestion is get both.

The younger kid will definetly enjoy SI for Kids better, but the older one will probably like SI better. I have had SI since I was 13, so. Not too much older.

Also, you will probably enjoy reading SI as well, so it's win win.

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Thanks for the advice. I called SI and got a student rate on the regular SI as well as a sale rate on the SI for kids. As it turns out they also have a "teen" magazine insert that they throw in without charge. So four weeks from now when we finally get the mags we'll be thick with Sports Illustrated.

I appreciate all the feedback.

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  Monty22 said:
While you are at it, pick up a subscription to the Hockey News. SI's hockey coverage is, as you know, minimal.
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I thought of that as well. I may hit it today. Of course my wife will hit the limiter. But I'll explain that I want the boys to have something to reading at home, especially during the summer...

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  gman said:
  Monty22 said:
While you are at it, pick up a subscription to the Hockey News. SI's hockey coverage is, as you know, minimal.
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I thought of that as well. I may hit it today. Of course my wife will hit the limiter. But I'll explain that I want the boys to have something to reading at home, especially during the summer...

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I started to get the Hockey News about 2 months ago. Its great. I recommend.

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no swimsuit issue for si kids. it was boring as hell. i hated waiting every month to get one and still wasn't up to date so i got SI instead and i love getting them every week!

EDIT: oh yeah i forgot. i read a article interviewing a guy in a nudity camp. you want to know where i found it?


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I read SI kids, when i was in elementary school. I think if your kid is into sports and the likes, he will like the kids one.

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I used to have it as a kid and the only thing I really remember about it were the little cards you got each issue and it giving me a crush on Amanda Beard when she was in it before the Atlanta games. The spread-eagle shot on the trampoline was deadly at the time.

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  mack said:

I used to have it as a kid and the only thing I really remember about it were the little cards you got each issue and it giving me a crush on Amanda Beard when she was in it before the Atlanta games. The spread-eagle shot on the trampoline was deadly at the time.

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  mack said:

I used to have it as a kid and the only thing I really remember about it were the little cards you got each issue and it giving me a crush on Amanda Beard when she was in it before the Atlanta games. The spread-eagle shot on the trampoline was deadly at the time.

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Check out the new Playboy....

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  sabre09923 said:

Disney adventures? First a rampaging squirrel, now a nude guy interviewed in Disney *ahem* Adventures? Crazy world, man. Crazy world.

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it was long time ago dude. like 4 or 5 years ago. but i tell you that i haven't forgotten it.

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