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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Our new trophy, Lord Browns Boot

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So, myself and a couple of others organize a charity hockey game each month. At last months event, one of the guys (Brown) took a puck to the skate, and that was the end of the runners.

One of the guys took the skate, mounted it on some wood, spraypainted it silver, and we now have our monthly trophy for the winner.

We do a Maryland/Virginia format.

If anyone is interested in joining, shoot me a PM, we have a website, but I know solicitations are not allowed, so I will PM you the site with the details.

Here is our new trophy, what do you think



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I love it! Classic.

Edit: :D Losing team should have to fill it with beer and drink it.. the bitter taste of de-feet... oh my god the puns.

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I love it! Classic.

Edit: :D Losing team should have to fill it with beer and drink it.. the bitter taste of de-feet... oh my god the puns.

haha its almost too easy

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haha that trophy's the shit, I bet those skates are ovechkin's, he sold them to you because brodeur complained that they reflected to much light in his eyes.

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I love it.. a broken stick blade would look great hanging on the wood on the side.. each season scribble everyones names onto one with a black sharpie lol..

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That's pretty sweet. Have you thought of getting it bronzed? You will lose the DIY look, but I think it would more fitting for "Lord Brown". I have not seen a holder get that mangled before.

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That's pretty sweet. Have you thought of getting it bronzed? You will lose the DIY look, but I think it would more fitting for "Lord Brown". I have not seen a holder get that mangled before.

We have, our next game is this saturday, and it looks like it will run $162 to bronze it, about $200 with shipping, so we are probably going to collect from the regulars for that then.

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Well, Virginia lost to Maryland, in our monthly charity game, 5-4 final score.

Here is a pic of both teams, as well as a photo of me (team virginia, on the right) as one of the founders and chairs of the charity, presenting Lord Browns Trophy to team Maryland.

Steve, team Maryland, accepts Lords Browns Boot, from me


Put Cancer on Ice, charity game participants


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