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Skating: Switching between roller and ice.

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Hi, I did a search and couldn't find what I was looking for. I currently play ice once a week and roller once a week, sometimes on the same day.

A little background. I grew up playing pickup roller, without coaching. I picked roller back up in college, about 3-4 years ago. I got back into hockey playing my first 2 seasons of ice. I figured out how to skate (somewhat) and began feeling pretty comfortable.

After my first roller game, it felt like I forgot how to skate entirely.

My question is: how do I make the transition from each surface easier?

I'm skating on Mission S500's without altering the Pitch holder at all. I have never got the radius done on the skates, as I know nothing about what to ask for. I have seen that they are adjustable, I just have no idea what adjusting them means or does.

My rollers are some older cheap Bauer Vapor model with a 72-80 setup.

I just had a roller game and skated ok, without feeling uncomfortable.

How do I make my ice skates similar to the 72-80 setup on the rollers?

As for adjusting the holder, what does (-1, 0, +1) mean, and what effect will it have?

Thanks in advance.

Also, I've been ice skating on a 1/2 hollow and have tried a 7/16.

I'm 5'10" 205 pounds of fatty goodness.

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As someone who does not play roller, but would like to, I would think that it might be easier to try to sync the roller skates to the ice skate,rather than vice versa, what with the new sprung chassis and such.

But I know nothing, so don't listen to me much

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I skate alternate from ice to roller each week. I have a set of vapor XIV boots with the tuuk rockers on them. you can match the radius of your ice blade with different wheel setups on the rockers. I really like them, and have no problem going from ice to roller. however, the only place you can find the chassis anymore i think is on ebay, as the company that came up with the idea, smarthockey, is looking for a new manufacturer...but the rockers work great for me.

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Tuuk rockers are one way to go but some people say they put you at a disadvantage when you reach higher levels (not that I ever got there).

I'm just starting out (started learning to ice skate this past Dec/Jan) and am engaged in both roller and ice. I use the Sprungs for roller and Mission S400 on neutral pitch and now have a pretty seamless transition except for two things:

1. Have to pay attention to my stops in roller b/c sometimes I try to do a true ice hockey stop and do a face plant instead.

2. On the inlines, I can get away with more weight on the balls of my feet/toes and if I try to do the same weight distribution on ice, I face plant.

Otherwise, in terms of technique, I don't feel like I have to change anything.

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Oldtrainerguy28 posted about this some time ago. He basically suggested going very long on the ice profile. Anyhow, here is a copy of the post and a link to the original thread:

Jan 25 2007, 12:15 AM Post #186

If your going to go back and forth from inline to ice make sure you get a large profile like a 13ft to start.

Yah I know I am going to hear all kinds of stuff about this but when inline was huge I was doing this back in Florida. I was one of the guys that helped design the Rike Chassis which mimicked the Tuuk Holder.

Anyway because most inlines dont do that and the wheel to floor contact space is much larger than any stock skate the easisest way to get going and make it a very simple transition is to go with a longer profile on the steel and a shallower hallow say 5/8 to start.

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I skate alternate from ice to roller each week. I have a set of vapor XIV boots with the tuuk rockers on them. you can match the radius of your ice blade with different wheel setups on the rockers. I really like them, and have no problem going from ice to roller. however, the only place you can find the chassis anymore i think is on ebay, as the company that came up with the idea, smarthockey, is looking for a new manufacturer...but the rockers work great for me.

What radius do you use? I have tuuk shifter xl chassis with 72-80 setup. Did you adjust the pitch on your ice skates?

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I always find it weird when people have problems switching between ice and roller. I've been doing the same thing for years, and since the fall, there's been times where I would play ice one day, and roller the next. Or I would go directly from an ice hockey game, to a roller hockey game. I never had a problem switching back and forth. Maybe it's just a mental thing for the most part, but I have no problem doing it.

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I never had problems as far as skating when switching back and forth between the two, however, I did notice that my overall play on ice suffered.

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i find just putting up with it is all you can do man lol every time i play either after playing the other i always do something that your do on ice or court, eg going back to inline and try to stop by piviting lol ends in lots of laughing

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