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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Injuries

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I'm doing a small poll on shoulder injuries and what shoulder pad you where wearing when it occurred. Please don't name any specific models, only the name of the manufacturer and be brief. Also list what you injured, if it was skeletal or soft tissue. This is just for my interest and I will not use this for any other purpose. Thanks.

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Just got back from the rink, my team mate seperated his shoulder. NO shoulder pads. Funny thing (or not so funny), he just recovered from seperated shoulder on other side. No pads. Having watched both injuries, I think even 5030s would have made a difference.

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3 grade 1 shoulder separations--2 in left 1 in the right. That's over a 7 year period though. Easton.

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Now I think would be the time to ask what level Eastons, as it seems it keeps popping up. Mine were low-end Easton Extremes.

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I'm doing a small poll on shoulder injuries and what shoulder pad you where wearing when it occurred. Please don't name any specific models, only the name of the manufacturer and be brief. Also list what you injured, if it was skeletal or soft tissue. This is just for my interest and I will not use this for any other purpose. Thanks.

Not including the model invalidates the data. There is a big difference between someone using Itech SP50s and someone using Itech 990s.

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