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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How you feelin will be power houses

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I don't get why there are so many rumors of Drury going to SJ. Unless the Sharks want to put him or Marleau at wing, it'd be worthless to have three #1 centers.

If I could proffer a conspiricy theory....

Sharks have targeted drury, he is interested in playing there, but obviously can't do anything until after July 1.

Caps need a #1 center, so they give the #28 pick to the Sharks for a 2nd rounder and another 2nd next year, with a wink wink nod nod that they will work out a trade for Marleau once Drury is in SJ.

Marleau and Wilson not happy with each other because of the playoffs, drury takes marleaus place, marleau comes to the caps for a first next year, Eminger and Tomas Fleishman...

I know it's wishful thinking, but the caps need to do something

San Jose needs to upgrade their talent up front. They have way too many guys who disappear for long periods of time. I think Smyth would be a better fit for their needs. However, if they plan to move Marleau, they are going to need more than one more talented forward.

The other thing to keep in mind is that their young players are going to be expecting raises in the next year or so and that may be hard if they spend too much on long-term free agents this year.

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Not that many stood out, but Marleau completely disappeared and looked like crap at the same time in the playoffs.

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