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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 350 Blade

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Have had my synergy 350 grip for about 4months now and the blade has almost started to peel at the toe and when you bend it with your hand you can hear a crunching noise.

Only used on ice and i tape the toe WTF is going on??

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OK so the blade has finaly gone how do I go about replacing it would you guys recommend flipping the shaft or putting a tapered blade in.

Whats the benefits/loses from either.

Also would or composite blade.

Ive gone from would to this now being my 2nd ops so have never had a shaft/blade combo and cant afford a new ops

Thanks guys

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Yeah i did mean wood.

I dont know if I need to chisel it or if I could pull the blade out of the shaft using heat.

I dont know if the synergy 350 is a solid 1 piece or not

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its a cheaper, lower end OPS. personally i would suggest just buying a new stick. and btw the noise you hear is the foam inside the blade that is cracking and moving around

but if you really cant afford something new, its not worth chiseling it

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I don't think any Easton OPS have blades that can be removed by heat. I would just chisel it and stick in a composite blade. Better spending more $$ on a comp blade that will lost you months as opposed to a wood blade lasting 1-2 weeks.

BTW-it's not THAT much of a hassle to chisel out a shaft, I've done it once and if you really can't afford a new OPS at the moment then atleast keep the taper and kick point and chisel it out.

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