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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1987 Cooper Catalog

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This kind of seems irrelevant, but a few questions about the glove page..

What's MWP? Maroon-White? Not an NHL color is it? ALso, what's LIP?

Oilers colors?

Penguins colors? (Yeah I know, black, but then which, BBP or PFP?)

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Peterborough Petes wore maroon/white gloves but don't know why it was retail. LIP is Long Island, royal/orange for Islanders. Oilers wore the same. Penguins wore BBP usually, never PFP.

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JR, you're welcome. It takes longer than I expected to do all the scanning and moving the pix around. I'll keep them coming and mix up the brands and years along the way to keep it interesting.

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Love those ArmourFoam gloves, had a pair of them in mites. Also - imagine if goalies still wore chest protectors that were still that form fitting. I'm pretty sure with the advances in foams they could build a piece that had more protection than that while still keeping that close to the body fit.

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