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Heatley indicted on vehicular homicide

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I heard on CNN this afternoon that he would probaly only end up with probation and a fine.

BTW on CNN they also said he was only going between 60 and 90 mph. I dont know how that compares to 100 and 130 km/h but, i dont think its that big of a difference.

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I thought you were done on this subject??

go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

I am curious to see if he will plead not guilty. I hope he spares the taxpayers the expense of a long trial. Hopefully he cuts a deal and cops a plea and gets this over with. He is not going to miss a season that is not going to happen.....

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I thought you were done on this subject??

go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200

I am curious to see if he will plead not guilty. I hope he spares the taxpayers the expense of a long trial. Hopefully he cuts a deal and cops a plea and gets this over with. He is not going to miss a season that is not going to happen.....

If you notice, my only reference was on the conversion from KPH to MPH. I'm not looking for an arguement like some others.

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No prob at all - I enjoy debating (and you will notice that it almost never gets personal or results in expletive use). I wanted to go further into why people here feel that somehow Heatly has payed his debt (or doesn't need to).

I am assuming that this site is here for all parties registered to share their feeling and opinions on whatever the subject that is posted is. In that respect, we are all on an even "playing field". I think that the difference may be that a lot of the younger users may look up to the mods since it is apparent that most of you have very easy access to lots of equipment. And unfortunately, input as insignificant as that can gain unquestioned trust. Social or ethical rebuttal on any post by the mods should really not happen since they have the power to pull the plug or stop the conversation if they don't like or agree with what is being discussed.

Its your site - maybe at the next meeting, you as a team can review this and make a decision.

We all have opinions and make statements - and if anyone wants to stop or refrain from posting, thats cool. Announcing that fact is unnecessary. You may believe it show's dominance, but its taken as weakness.

my 2 cents boys -

any of you guys come up to beantown, let me know - you will be pleasantly surprised

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Agreed, but I thought you guys already discussed that matter in another thread. Chadd was merely stating a fact about the conversion from MPH to Km/H...not his opinion. Then you jumped on him. Not fair IMO, Mod or not.

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Debate is one thing. In this case I believe the correct term is "beating a dead horse."

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1)Slang for Detective

2)Chiefly British. A fellow; a guy.

3)A penis.

4)A person, especially a man, regarded as mean or contemptible.


1)The anus.

2)A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.

3)The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area

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