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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R6 vs. R8

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Are there any major "downgrades" from the R6 to the Response Lite? Just curious as I found some R6's for a decent price and am curious if its worth it.

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As far as I know, R6's are a tad heavier, because of the reinforced armor zone. Both are double concave. I believe the R8's blade is thinner, and it has a longer taper.

Shaft-wise, R6 is standard and R8 is tapered. I love my R6 shaft.

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Check out www.tpshockey.com it'll give you the spec's.

From what I gathered the R8 has a longer taper and thinner stiffer blade

than the R6. Just repeating Cobra2717.

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Nobody Knows?

They're new sticks, how many people have been able to give both sticks a decent workout?

The website doesnt say anything, and I called them as well today. They couldn't tell me anything either :rolleyes:

You called TPS customer service to ask them about the sticks?


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Ive used both the r8 and r6, i didnt really feel a difference in performance other than the r6 was a tad heavier. When i was playing i didnt really notice it the extra wieght but if youre not gonna spaz about a few grams get the r6 and save some money.

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