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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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light spees steel

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i am currently using the tuuk lightspeeds, but i dislike the slight forward lean. do any of u have any suggestions of steel to replace the steel of the bauers, and has a balanced lean, kind of like the missions. and im wondering wat r the advantages to having a forward lean as opposed to being balanced


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As far as I understand, I forward lean will give you some extra power. I was reading the mission pitch holder thing, and it said forward= more power. The lean your blades give you mite be different though.

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the steel isn't what give the holder that forward pitch. the "forward lean" is because the rear tower is higher than the front one by 3 millimeters. you could probably change the pitch with the steel, but you could always switch back to tuuk custom+ holders, they don't have the lean.

the holder is designed to give you tighter turns and a more balanced body position by allowing your knees to bend more

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Or as I stated before, lifts in the front to stabilize it.

Wouldn't lifts in the front give it more of a forward lean?

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A lift is where you put something between the outsole and the holder right? Or am I wrong about that?

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wat do u mean by unlock ur knees

he means that itstead of having your legs and knees standing straight up, the forward lean helps keep your knees unlocked and your knees bent, not straight.

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Oh nevermind. I thought about it some more and figured out i was wrong. I just thought that I remembered that HockeyShark's 705s had too forward of a pitch also but he added heel lifts to stabilize them, not front lifts. Must have been not enough of a forward pitch that the 705s had.

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It feels like they are to me, though it may just be the Graf boots having more of a forward pitch.

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Oh nevermind.  I thought about it some more and figured out i was wrong.  I just thought that I remembered that HockeyShark's 705s had too forward of a pitch also but he added heel lifts to stabilize them, not front lifts.  Must have been  not enough of a forward pitch that the 705s had.

Actually if I'm not mistaken, I think Jeff told him to put the heel wedges because of mounting issues with the t'blade.

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It feels like they are to me, though it may just be the Graf boots having more of a forward pitch.

I agree, i think it's probably the graf boot. :rolleyes:

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I changed out my Lightspeeds to regular TUUK. Did not like the extra height though getting the skate blade sharpened to compensate is an option but I don't trust some sharpeners and if they screw it up you have to deal with it. Was just easier to change the holder out. Just my $.02.

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Oh nevermind.  I thought about it some more and figured out i was wrong.  I just thought that I remembered that HockeyShark's 705s had too forward of a pitch also but he added heel lifts to stabilize them, not front lifts.  Must have been  not enough of a forward pitch that the 705s had.

Actually if I'm not mistaken, I think Jeff told him to put the heel wedges because of mounting issues with the t'blade.

That was my next guess :angry:

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asdfa, FYI, no difference in lean/pitch of the Lightspeed or Tuuk Custom, they are identical, Lightspeed is 3mm higher in front & back to improve turning radius.

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im changing the blades, my skate is an 8.5 bauer xx skate. i have two pairs of blades, 280 mm, and 272 mm, which is the original length for an 8.5, and which length would be best to put on my skate

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XXs do not come in single E unless they are custom.

My guess is that you have an EE.

There's a reason why Bauer puts the bigger holder on the wider skate.

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