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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 800

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im thinking about the synergy 800s for the upcoming season, im looking for some information and if you like them or not, any posts would be appreciated :D

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If your talking skates I think they would be a decent skate for you up to about travel level hockey. You'll need to decide for yourself how you like the fit. Try a pair on before you buy to be sure.

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Synergy 900's are a traditionally constructed skate whereas the 800C is a composite one piece skate. It's debatable weather one is better than the other, it's really the player that makes the skate not vice versa. Each will perform well on the ice but the 800C is lighter and has a nicer fit than the 900. The coil technology sounds good and may add a little bounce to your stride but if it adds significantly to your speed or agility on the ice is debatable. Either skate would be a good choice. Owned the Synergy 900 myself and found it reasonably comfortable and light and a good performing skate.

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yes i was talking about the skatess, now you said for travel hockey, would you still think the same since its for high school hockey?

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I had the skate and it absolutely fell apart. Stay away from these skates. The covering on the toe ripped off, cracked composite everywhere, dented in toe, tenon guard is hanging off the back, steel run down. Overall, just a nightmare of a skate.

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I had the skate and it absolutely fell apart. Stay away from these skates. The covering on the toe ripped off, cracked composite everywhere, dented in toe, tenon guard is hanging off the back, steel run down. Overall, just a nightmare of a skate.

really. I had a great experience with mine. didnt take long to break in and I have barely any composite cracking. There are some durability issues that im having with the skate(side wall separating from the carbon) but nothing that epoxy glue cant fix.

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so what would u guys consider the 800c for level wise? I might get a pair because play it again sports is also giving away the synergy 300 stick if you buy the skate.

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I consider it about a middle of road skate. It has all the same technology as the 1500C's ( now the Stealth 15 ) but uses a slightly different composite mixture. It's Eastons attempt to bring it's Stealth technology skates down to the affordable level, for the average persons budget. Should be a good skate for your level of hockey. Other skates you might also consider are the RBK 5K's (slightly heavier) Nike/Bauer Supreme One'50's or the Mission Fuel 90's all in about the same price level.

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I had the skate and it absolutely fell apart. Stay away from these skates. The covering on the toe ripped off, cracked composite everywhere, dented in toe, tenon guard is hanging off the back, steel run down. Overall, just a nightmare of a skate.

I've seen the tendon guards snap on them too.

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I've seen tendon guards break on other makes of skates besides Eastons as well but they are not as prevelant to do this as on another very popular manufacturers skates out on the market at the moment.

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Whatever you do, DONT GET THE 800C!!! it has to be one of the cheapest, shitiest, worst skates ever made. I had a pair and they fell apart within a few weeks. I am now happily wearing Vapor XIX, a much better product in my opinion.

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If there are any reservations about the 800C's on your mind I have given you a few other skates to consider so the choice is up to you my friend. I honestly haven't heard anything negative about these skates other than the two gentlemen on this thread. You might want to talk to a LHS and some of your buddies just in case they've heard anything to be concerned about with these skates before getting them, just to be on the cautious side. I myself have the 1300C's and I've been very happy with them durability and performance wise. They are basically the same skate with slightly different composite materials and one of the most comfortable skates I've ever owned, but again their not for everyone. I've had them for a year and a half and they have a few scratches on them but their holding up really well.

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