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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy 800c and 07vapor XXII

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I'm just taking a look at these skates and wondering how does the 800c compare to the 1500c; fit and difference? For the XXII i'm wondering how great is this skate(also compared to the XXV)? I live in toronto and the cost for pair skate is really high compare to the prices in U.S <_<

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I don't think in most Canadian stored there is a major price difference between the XXii's and XXV's. Well not according to my observations. Check them both out and go with whatever feels better.

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Personal preferance issue. Try them both and get the one that fits you best.

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When it comes to skates I'd just spend the extra money if you have it. I wish my LHS had the XXV when I needed new skates, but I'm plenty happy with my XXXXs(just spent more than I wanted). Skates are probably the most important piece of equipment, if you can afford it spend a little extra and you'll reap the benefits of better quality.

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