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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Hunt

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i'm 5,9 weight= 143lb.

i had a easton synergy SL 65 flex int. and snapped it on my first shot, the next flex up i can find is an 85 flex but that is a senior shaft which is too long and big(width). i need a stronger int stick or some other sort of compramise can anyone help.

any suggestions of any good sticks are welcome, around SLish sort of money though.

Many thanks in advance!

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try some other manufacturers' int. sticks. i know warriors are 70 flex (also a 75 flex senior available, and the dolomite has a smaller profile). NBH also offers 77 flex seniors.

extra length on the shaft can be cut off, so don't let that be a detriment to your purchase.

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im sure ive seen 75flex easton shafts but is that just shaft, does anyone have a warrior stick and if so what model is it and whats it like im quite intrested. thanks

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I've recently broken a dolomite and have an ak27. love them both.

run a search on both sticks, and on the innovative 1100 (same stick) and check the review section for feedback on the sticks.

I know 75 flex eastons were in the plans, but not sure if they're out yet.

another option would be TPS' whip flex.

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Dude, 5'9 and a senior stick is too big for you? I'm just about your descriptions and i've been in a senior stick for a while now.

Same except I am around 160. Senior 85 is perfect for me. I think you should be able to use a senior at least 75 flex. Unless your hands are really that small.

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Yeah, I think it may just take some adjustment period-move up to a senior. Btw I'm like 5'7, 135lbs and even I'm using 85s (cut down about 4 inches).

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Im only 5'3 and I use a Sr. AK27 85 flex with about a half of an inch cut off the top. Ive got big hands though and i like my sticks stiff, but you should be able to use a Sr. stick

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Another option would be an Easton Cyclone 70 flex shaft with a blade. Thinner shaft, stiffer than intermediate, whippier than regular flex.

5'8", 170, using 77 flex here (uncut they come up almost to my eyes).

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