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Pure Hockey warehouse sale

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Anyone else going? I haven't been before but it looks like there are going to be huge sales! $80 xxxlite, $75 Inno 1 piece.. "Big savings on Vapor skates" If anyone has gone before is it worth it? If I go I'm planning on gettin there the first day a couple hours early...

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I might go, for shoulder pads. But besides that, not much else.

EDIT: I went last year, and there is a TON of sticks on sale, pro stock, and discontinued stuff. I talked with a couple of their employees and they said they have pretty much the same set up going, discount stuff on their upper floor (new location) and the regular, normal gear in the main part of their store. The problem is that their new parking lot is not very big at all, and is much, much smaller than the one when they were closer to the NESC. All of the stuff I bought last year wasn't sale stuff anyways (new skates, blade, and an Intake), so it didn't really matter to me. Beware of the 2+ hour long line though.

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i went last year and they had alot of stuff a big are in the back was opened up that never usually is and it was full of stuff, i didn't get anything but there seemed to be alot of good deals. i'm going back next year, i don't know whether or not to go early though cause it says they add new stuff every day, i don't know how much or what it is though.

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Definately going again. Probably picking up a couple Pro Return XXX Lites, a pair of gloves, and a helmet.

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Edge what team are you on for the chowder cup? I played in the junior one last weekend, and I may be filling in for a U-18 team in the older one.

I'm playin on East Coast Express.

they didn't do well in the Jr. Cup, a couple of my friends were on it. But last year we won in the Jr.

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Pure Hockey sale is not too bad, it was a mob scene last year and picked over pretty well by the time I got there.

Breakaway hockey is also doing the tent sale clearance thing (Aug 9-12 I think). I know they have a store in Franklin and Needham, not sure if anywhere else.

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If anyone runs into a 77 Flex RH p29-ish XXX Lite please let me know.

Cavs, Ill check for you. Whats the P29 look like?

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Yeah I'll be at Franklin, but I thought I read it was only gonna be in Needham?

I believe it's at a VFW in Needham, not at either store location.

I'm def. planning on going to the Pure Hockey warehouse sale (I haven't made it to one yet..the new Braintree location has an awesome spot for it, but it's still out in Marlborough), and possibly the Breakaway sale.

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I might go, for shoulder pads. But besides that, not much else.

EDIT: I went last year, and there is a TON of sticks on sale, pro stock, and discontinued stuff. I talked with a couple of their employees and they said they have pretty much the same set up going, discount stuff on their upper floor (new location) and the regular, normal gear in the main part of their store. The problem is that their new parking lot is not very big at all, and is much, much smaller than the one when they were closer to the NESC. All of the stuff I bought last year wasn't sale stuff anyways (new skates, blade, and an Intake), so it didn't really matter to me. Beware of the 2+ hour long line though.

There will be 3 floors open this year. The normal store will pretty much remain normal with the 2nd floor and the basement full of sale equipment.

Parking is looking into being expanded for the sale.

There will be 8 registers this year,as oppose to 4 from last year, so hopefully no more 2 hr wait in line.

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