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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates falling apart

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Hey guys. I have a pair of Synergy 800's that are falling apart on me. the side walls that are made of some sort of fabric are separating from the carbon structure. What I want to know is if I could use super glue or possibly epoxy without damaging the skate. Sorry if this has already been covered, I searched but nothing really answered my question. Pics will be added once I find my camera. Thanks

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Hey guys. I have a pair of Synergy 800's that are falling apart on me. the side walls that are made of some sort of fabric are separating from the carbon structure. What I want to know is if I could use super glue or possibly epoxy without damaging the skate. Sorry if this has already been covered, I searched but nothing really answered my question. Pics will be added once I find my camera. Thanks

I hope you can find your camera soon because pics would really help. Is the skate still structurally solid? All of the padding and leather are glued to the composite shell. Easton glues everything together on these skates because the composite material is too hard to stitch through. If all that has happened is that the glue has let go then it shouldn't be too hard to fix or warrant having to buy new skates. That's what I'm guessing until you can get some pictures up.

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Hey guys. I have a pair of Synergy 800's that are falling apart on me. the side walls that are made of some sort of fabric are separating from the carbon structure. What I want to know is if I could use super glue or possibly epoxy without damaging the skate. Sorry if this has already been covered, I searched but nothing really answered my question. Pics will be added once I find my camera. Thanks

You sound kinda surprised. I know about 5 people that had 800s and they all fell apart, dont know what they did about though. Sorry i couldnt help, but that happens with 800s.

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Starting to get feedback on durability issues with the Easton 800's now. This is a good thing so we can inform other members of issues with any model of skate.

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ok I finally found the camera. Sorry if the pic is big, its my first time and i really need some help if someone could shoot a pm my way. anyways heres the pics.




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That's exactly what I thought had happened. You aren't in any real trouble. It is only the outside leather that has started to come unglued. The skate is still structurally solid. The leather should not come apart much more than it already has since it is still attached to the boot by the rivets and eyelets. More cosmetic than anything else. Take it to your LHS or you can just try to reglue it yourself. If you do attempt it, try using Gorilla Glue. That stuff works great. Just don't use too much because the glue expands as it dries. Let us know how you make out.

Also, did you heat these in an oven? Maybe they were put in too long or at too high a temp which made the glue come loose?

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I returned so many pair of these last year it wasn't even funny. This year, no problems. But then again, I don't remember selling a pair.

The only 800 I had to send back was because of a torn eyelet. The glue has held up fine. Must have been something you were doing to them, lol! :P

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I returned so many pair of these last year it wasn't even funny. This year, no problems. But then again, I don't remember selling a pair.

The only 800 I had to send back was because of a torn eyelet. The glue has held up fine. Must have been something you were doing to them, lol! :P

I didn't sell them - I processed R/As for my stores. We have 12 locations.

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That's exactly what I thought had happened. You aren't in any real trouble. It is only the outside leather that has started to come unglued. The skate is still structurally solid. The leather should not come apart much more than it already has since it is still attached to the boot by the rivets and eyelets. More cosmetic than anything else. Take it to your LHS or you can just try to reglue it yourself. If you do attempt it, try using Gorilla Glue. That stuff works great. Just don't use too much because the glue expands as it dries. Let us know how you make out.

Also, did you heat these in an oven? Maybe they were put in too long or at too high a temp which made the glue come loose?

no i didnt heat the skates. They felt great right out of the box so I felt no need. I had thought about the gorilla glue but I have some super glue and i can get some epoxy from my neighbors readily availiable. As for the pics of the completely torn up 800's....damn.....

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I returned so many pair of these last year it wasn't even funny. This year, no problems. But then again, I don't remember selling a pair.

The only 800 I had to send back was because of a torn eyelet. The glue has held up fine. Must have been something you were doing to them, lol! :P

I didn't sell them - I processed R/As for my stores. We have 12 locations.

I know, just giving you a hard time!

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My God,what did you do with them put them though a shredder. Haven't seen a pair of skates like those in ages. You must be one of those in your face, no nonsense, in front of the net guys who's always mixing it up. Your best bet is a pair of Grafs or CCM's. They could probably take the beating better than a middle of the line Easton skate.

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WOW! How old are they and how often do you skate?

Don't think the gorilla glue trick will work here :unsure:

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Holly shit is what I'm gonna say. What the hell do you do to your skates looks like a bunch of hungry animals got to those things.

400th post

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WOW! How old are they and how often do you skate?

Don't think the gorilla glue trick will work here :unsure:

I'd say duct tape and gorilla glue, along with a few episodes of MacGyver for good measure.

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My 1500's are doing that same thing and so are my brothers 1300's. I was under the impression that it was just all easton skates because of all the complaints I've heard. Would it have anything to do with them being light weight and sacraficing reinforcement?

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WOW! How old are they and how often do you skate?

Don't think the gorilla glue trick will work here :unsure:

I'd say duct tape and gorilla glue, along with a few episodes of MacGyver for good measure.

I was 15 when I used them and skated about 5 times a week at a Minor AAA level. Definitely too low quality of a skate for how much i play. I used super glue on the toes and on the arches thing to glue it to the composite and it worked for about a week at a time but still came undone. Terrible skates, will never use Eastons again

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WOW! How old are they and how often do you skate?

Don't think the gorilla glue trick will work here :unsure:

I'd say duct tape and gorilla glue, along with a few episodes of MacGyver for good measure.

I was 15 when I used them and skated about 5 times a week at a Minor AAA level. Definitely too low quality of a skate for how much i play. I used super glue on the toes and on the arches thing to glue it to the composite and it worked for about a week at a time but still came undone. Terrible skates, will never use Eastons again

What do you expect? Buy the higher end ones next time. Don't make your judgement on Easton because you used a lower end pair of skates. I haven't had any trouble with my 1500c and thats the same for some of my friends that skate in them.

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I have higher end skates now, but at the time I bought these skates my feet were growing insanely fast so there was no point in buying $500+ skates to just grow out of them. And yes I realized that they were too low quality, thats why I said it in my original post. And my friend had 1500c's and the exact same thing happened, expect for instead of just fabric coming un-glued, the composite broke on the toe.

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I have higher end skates now, but at the time I bought these skates my feet were growing insanely fast so there was no point in buying $500+ skates to just grow out of them. And yes I realized that they were too low quality, thats why I said it in my original post. And my friend had 1500c's and the exact same thing happened, expect for instead of just fabric coming un-glued, the composite broke on the toe.

Every pair that I have had come back to my shop with a broken toe cap, Easton has replaced with no questions asked. The Easton Synergy's with the composite shell really are a very decent skate and nearly every one of my buyers have been satisfied. I just wish that they would put a plastic toe cap over the composite toe cap. So what if it add a very little amount of weight if it will make them hold up a bit better.

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Really? Well it didnt really matter cuz he blew through the rivets a couple skates later somehow and he needed new skates so he bought One90's...He broke it with a shot to the toe.

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