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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick tape drying out stick?

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Hey guys. The other day I went to a stick time with my friend and afterwards he cut the tape off his stick. This sounds normal but he taped his stick before he went on the is. When I asked him about this, he said that if you leave the tape on the stick, it dries it out, leaving it more brittle and easier to break. What I want to know is is this even remotely true because this just sounds like some crap that his coach would lie to them about.

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle. on a OPC I wouldn't worry about this all that much. I personally change tape every skate because it feels "fresh" and I personally think I feel the puck better on my blade when its less worn.

So there is some truth to what he said although its not something a lot of players have to worry about with today's sticks.

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle.

I could see how that could happen but that has nothing to do with the tape. It is a fault of the stick/blade that can happen whether you use tape or not.

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I always thought the blade retained too much moisture in it if you leave the tape on, I usually take mine off after every use...but since I only use OPS now is this worth doing?

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I always thought the blade retained too much moisture in it if you leave the tape on, I usually take mine off after every use...but since I only use OPS now is this worth doing?

The tape (cloth) retains water. Imagine wrapping a wet towel around the blade. Same effect on a smaller scale.

From the manufactures we are used to we've seen some pretty interesting issues with OPS. It can't hurt to remove the wet tape every time.

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle.

I could see how that could happen but that has nothing to do with the tape. It is a fault of the stick/blade that can happen whether you use tape or not.

As mentioned the tape will retain moisture and "feed" that moisture into the blade. Removing the tape has significantly increased blade life for everyone I know who has tried it.

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle.

I could see how that could happen but that has nothing to do with the tape. It is a fault of the stick/blade that can happen whether you use tape or not.

As mentioned the tape will retain moisture and "feed" that moisture into the blade. Removing the tape has significantly increased blade life for everyone I know who has tried it.

Wood OR Composite

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle.

I could see how that could happen but that has nothing to do with the tape. It is a fault of the stick/blade that can happen whether you use tape or not.

As mentioned the tape will retain moisture and "feed" that moisture into the blade. Removing the tape has significantly increased blade life for everyone I know who has tried it.

Wood OR Composite

When a comp blade cracks, it's useless to me anyway.

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Yes, but you can get a few nicks and cuts in a composite blade where the blade is fine, but I could see moisture getting in there. I'll continue to re-tape after every session I think.

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wax it up, helps keep the moisture from getting into the tape in the first place.


That and if you do a good job melting it into the tape, it keeps ice buildup off of your blade.

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on a wood stick that has cracked or damaged fiberglass around the blade water can get in it, swell the wood then dry out and become brittle.

I could see how that could happen but that has nothing to do with the tape. It is a fault of the stick/blade that can happen whether you use tape or not.

As mentioned the tape will retain moisture and "feed" that moisture into the blade. Removing the tape has significantly increased blade life for everyone I know who has tried it.

I know that tape can accelerate the problem but my point was/is that it is a fault of the blade and it can happen whether or not you use tape. Wet tape can just make it worse.

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wax it up, helps keep the moisture from getting into the tape in the first place.


That and if you do a good job melting it into the tape, it keeps ice buildup off of your blade.

EXACTLY! One good shake and almost all the water and all the ice is off the blade too. ;)

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Sometimes, when I run out of stick wax, I use candle wax instead. Works just as well, and you get a lot more of it. Not to mention it's much easier to find ;)

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