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8k helmet

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Ik its not super urgent, but if i can get this rbk helmet with an oakley visor ( yea ik it has a minor scratch in the peripheral area)for 75 buy now, i want it. That said, i wear a bauer 4500 meduim sized helmet currently. It fits pretty well, its getting slightly tight thought. So what i want to know is will a meduim RBK be a little bigger than a bauer?

Ik that its best to take a trip to my lhs, which i may do, but if i cant your expiriences will be the next bes thing



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I think the opposite - have a medium 4000 and a medium 8k. The medium 4000 is about 3/4 expanded, while the 8k is all the way and snug at that. If your medium 4000 is tight already the 8k will probably be too small.

Can someone in a shop confirm? Both of mine are pro helmets, not sure if there's a difference.

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When your 16 and can only have a job for the summer because you play varsity football and 2 hockey leagues, i will take a 70 dollar 8k with an oakley visor that alone probably costs more than 70 bucks, i will pass on paying 120 or 140 or however much it costs for the lid brand new.

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It's not like it's a troube for the LHS to let you try on helmets either. You just take them out of the box yourself, and put it on your head. It's not like fitting skates, where LHS employees may spend hours helping you try on skates.

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I would always recommend toanyone that they always buy a brand new helmet. I realise that you might end up savng some money by purchasing one that has been used but a helmet is such a personal peice of equipment. Padding starts to break down over time and can affect the protection that it can offer. One place where you don't want to comprimise protection

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I would always recommend toanyone that they always buy a brand new helmet. I realise that you might end up savng some money by purchasing one that has been used but a helmet is such a personal peice of equipment. Padding starts to break down over time and can affect the protection that it can offer. One place where you don't want to comprimise protection

Yea i usually do buy my helemts new, but im gonna take the chance that this guy isnt lying when he said its in perfect condition. I dont wanna pass this offer up.

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How 'bout you buy from a shop? You get to tell if it fits AND you're insured that you won't get conned.

And Leafs is right. I'm not sticking my head into anyone else's helmet. Think about all of that sweat... Gross.

Of course, any other piece of equipment (besides gloves) is fine by me.

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I tried it on today and to reiterate what i said earlier i dont have 150 dollars to buy one from a shop. Im not poor, but i certaintly dont have 150 bucks to spend on a helmet. And its not that gross to me but, to each his own.

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I tried it on today and to reiterate what i said earlier i dont have 150 dollars to buy one from a shop. Im not poor, but i certaintly dont have 150 bucks to spend on a helmet. And its not that gross to me but, to each his own.

If you buy online, thats fine, I don't have a problem with anyone going online to buy gear.

But when you go into a LHS and take their time, and use products they order to sell to get fitted, then go and leave to get it elsewhere I have a problem

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LHS's are NOT showrooms or a fitting site for ebay purchases. I don't care how "poor" you are, you are stealing when you intentionally go to a shop to try on something for a purchase elesewhere, and it's unethical. But who cares, it's all about you.

We taught a guy an expensive lesson today. He came to our shop last week and had one of our employees fit his two kids for skates. Then left, saying, Oh I'm just looking to see if the kids will be needing skates. Our employee spent 1/2 hour sizing and fitting. Today he came in with skates he bought elsewhere and he wanted them heat molded. I guess he thought we were going to do that for free too, but surprise, he got wammed with a big heat molding fee! Sweet. He ended up paying more for the skates than if he bought them from us. And BTW, it costs the store money to display helmets for you to try on, even if you do the so-called work yourself. Not to mention the air conditioning to keep you cool, the lights so you can see what your a looking at, etc, etc.

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Well you've lost your mind if you think the consumer is gonna pay large sums more for the same product they can get shipped to their house at a large discount. Now if your talking about skates that you used an employeess time to fit, that cost say 30 bucks more than online, you should be buying from the LHS. But when your talking about a 50-70 dollar differnce for a helmet, and a 120-140 dollar difference if you include the visor i dare you tempt a consumer and tell me they will pick the LHS over the cheaper online source. And to be honest, no, i dont feel guilty because i walked in, tryed the helmet, and left. Im not even sure if they even knew i was there, i received no hello, no welcome.

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