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Where to buy Tackla 5000 Pro pants

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I have used the search option and have found plenty of information about the pants, but I wasn't able to find out where I can buy the pants. Does anyone know who would have them in stock in blue in Size 46? I apologize if this has already been posted but I am new to the message board and am not the greatest at using the search function.

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He's in the US and that store is in Canada. With the US dollar being weak, buying from a Canadian shop is just about the dumbest thing you can do. He'll save $50 or more if he buys from a US shop that sells Tackla.

Any Tackla dealer can order the pants for you if they don't have them in stock. Even if they aren't a Tackla dealer, they can probably still order them for you. I believe their minimum order is quite low.

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I have the 5000X's in black and my new team wears red. Does Tackla sell the outer shell of these in red?

It's not in the 2007 price list, though you can get a TSP50 cover in red. Make sure you get the TSP 50 and not the TGS 60, that's the shell for girdles.

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are the 5000x's the 5000 pros now?

Yeah, I've also or mostly have seen them called Tackla Pro 5000x or just the standard tackla pro 5000

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I have the 5000 Airs and they are the most comfortable pants I've ever owned. They give me amazing coverage and I really don't have a bad thing to say about them. I don't know the differences between the 5000 Pro and 5000 Air but I do know these are the best hockey pants I've ever owned bar none and I'm a real Easton freak.

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