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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z2, L2, etc?

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I have seen some good deals on L2 and Z2 shafts. How do these sticks compare to each other, and can they be compared to anything in the current mission stick line?


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Out of curiosity, what's so bad about the Z-2? I know its about 10 grams heavier than a V-Hex 2 and doesn't use any kevlar, but seems to perform pretty well (especially) for the price. Is there some kind of flaw with the shaft, or is the ZedCore blade to blame? Info appreciated...

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Out of curiosity, what's so bad about the Z-2? I know its about 10 grams heavier than a V-Hex 2 and doesn't use any kevlar, but seems to perform pretty well (especially) for the price. Is there some kind of flaw with the shaft, or is the ZedCore blade to blame? Info appreciated...

Bad feel, terrible performance and prone to breakage. Other than that, they're great.

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Thanks for the info Chadd.

To respond to the OP, I guess the new Toxic 2 would be most comparable to the Z-2 but is a couple inches longer and a few grams heavier. I assume durability and puck-feel would be similar too.

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L2 is/was a decent stick

Question for Chadd, or whoever else knows Mission stuff...

What would be the difference between the retail L2 and Pro Stock L2?

I've always liked my L2, and have seen Pro Stock L2's advertised as one piece. Aside from that difference, I'm curious if it's lighter/flexier than the retail counterpart.

Any info??

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