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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 shafts in one?

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hey guys my bro just took my pro stock vapor xxx stick to cut it down and and he found something very odd. after he cut down the stick he saw that there was another shaft inside the. has anyone ever heard of this or see it before?

pic will be coming

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sorry for the quality i had to use my phone, the parts that look conecting are from my brother sanding the top of the shaft. oh im not panicing we were just curious

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Its a bubble they use to keep the graphite in shape during the manufacturing process.

Edit: and clean your damn room lol. :lol:

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I have a Pro stock xxx lite and it has a thing like that. Looks more like a reinforcement then the "bubbles" I've seen to keep the shaft that shape. My other xxx lites (pro stock) do not have the thicker shaft on it. It is just thicker on the inside, cannot tell the difference on the outside or how it feels btw.

Edit: Might as well add that this is from the top of the shaft not a broken OPS or cut down like mentioned before.

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