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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood RM19 shaft

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I wanted to know if anyone was familiar with this shaft. I found this with the grip coating and was thinking about buying it. Thanks in advance for any feedback on this shaft.


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We just got them in the store and in march i was on the ice with a buddy who played tier II junoir A in onatrio and he had two fo tehm and loved them and he had it for a while so they seem to be durable

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I've had one for about a month. I paired it with a short hosel, RM 7 blade (Coffey pattern). No complaints so far. It's not super light, but has great feel and I get some nice pop on my shot. Seems durable as well.

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its your choice along with color,flex and grip their website has all the info u need, u might want to look it.

I have the OPS version of the RM19 and it is a great stick very light (420 grams) it is pretty durable. the shaft should be reall nice u won't be disapointed.

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I'm now going back and forth on whether to buy this shaft (RM19) or the TPS Redlight Control, which I finally found in stock with an online retailer in the flex I want. Decisions, decisions, decisions.......

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I've found the shaft, made by True Temper, to be extremely durable and consistent in both flex and weight. In testing, the shaft weights and flexes were all +/-2g to what the weight/flex were supposed to be.

The issue with true temper shafts that I've used has always been performance, though that could be a design problem and not a production issue.

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I've got the OPS version of this stick. I like the grip on the shaft and the shaft itself is quite light.

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