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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS blades

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i have two questions, the first one, how close is the tkachuk curve to a modano, is it an exact clone? i have been trying to order some blades from hockeygiant, and they didn't have the one50 woody in a PM9, so now i am looking at these, the second question i have is does anybody have any feedback on these blades, i figured since they're only 3.50 they either suck or i am getting a real good deal, the only reason i ask is because i have credit there right now because of the other blades so if i get them i'd be ordering quite a few and i don't want to get stuck with 7 pieces of shit.

any help would be greatly apreciated, my LHS is in the process of moving so they're pretty much shut down for a little bit, plus they don't carry much TPS. thanks in advance.

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Any woodie will not, 90% of the time, be an exact clone of the curve you want in comp form. A couple PM9 woodies I picked up were different than the comp Modano I had for my long broken SL. The first blade was the same amount of curve, but had a really closed face. The other was a bigger, open mid/heel curve, sort of like a drury.

But yes, a Tkachuk is supposed to be an exact modo clone.

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I have only used one but the one i used wasnt that bad but just like any wood blade it went soft on me pretty fast but for the price i would go for it

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From 2002-03 those were my favorite blades, and I used those exclusively until I bought a Response. As with any other wood blade though, they just don't last. I remember I was getting 2 weeks out of them before they'd break, and I was in peewee.

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thanks guys, can anybody comment on these x-lite blades, performance, durability, are they shit or is this a bargain?

Good durability but the curve tends to be more of a mini-drury than a modano.

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thanks guys, can anybody comment on these x-lite blades, performance, durability, are they shit or is this a bargain?

Good durability but the curve tends to be more of a mini-drury than a modano.

Are you saying that the Tkachuk is more of a mini-drury than a Modo, or are you saying that is only the case when buying the blades trevor13478 asked about in the tkachuk pattern?

sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but I am about to order a Tkachuk OPS. I have been under the impression that it is a Modo/Forsberg clone but decided to do a last second check with the pattern DB and am now not as confident as I was in what I am about to buy since the DB says itis a 1/2'' heel curve and the Modo I know is a 3/8'' mid heel.

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I believe he was referring to a wood blade. Your OPS should be a Modano clone, or close enough not to notice.

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I believe he was referring to a wood blade. Your OPS should be a Modano clone, or close enough not to notice.
Correct, the old R2 wood blades tended to be a slightly higher lie and more of a heel wedge. Composite blades were fine.

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