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CCM Recchi lie?

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I'm getting conflicting info. The pattern DB says 5 lie and the online pattern guide at Monkey says 5 lie but I found two other places that say it's a 6.

Which is it?

Also what Recchi clones are out there?

-EDIT- I just compared it to another blade that's a 5.5 and the Recchi is definitely a 6 lie. At least mine is.

Still wanna know about clones. RBK Datsyuk?

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Thanks topper...I've compared it to all of the sticks I have here.

Sherwood Bouchard (5.5) - Recchi is tighter angle

Bauer Naslund (6) - Naslund is a little tighter angle than the Recchi

Sherwood Bourque (advertised as a 4.5!) - Identical lie

Gear Hornet Thompson (6 lie) - Identical lie

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Based on the EASTON scale I would say the recchi is a lie of 5.25.

I have both the recchi and iginla, the recchi is about 1.5" longer than the iginla.

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The Datsyuk is a 6. I tried a Recchi and the lie was off for me. The Datsyuk is perfect and I am very picky about lie.

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I wasn't saying the Iggy was the same, I meant the Recchi would compare to an easton Iginla. I know they're different and the Iginla is shorter and stuff, but in the easton pattern line that would be the closest. There is no way the Datsyuk is a lie 6. The Yzerman is a lie 6 and they don't even match up anything close.

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I'd like to know the answer to this question as well.

I have an Iginla and a Recchi, and the Iginla seems to be a tad lower lie than the Recchi.

I also have a RBK Datsyuk and that seems to be the same lie as the Recchi.

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  ju87 said:

I'd like to know the answer to this question as well.

I have an Iginla and a Recchi, and the Iginla seems to be a tad lower lie than the Recchi.

I also have a RBK Datsyuk and that seems to be the same lie as the Recchi.

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well the iggy is a 5.5 so from your information the recchi/datsyuk would probably be a 6

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  ju87 said:

I'd like to know the answer to this question as well.

I have an Iginla and a Recchi, and the Iginla seems to be a tad lower lie than the Recchi.

I also have a RBK Datsyuk and that seems to be the same lie as the Recchi.

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Odd, my recchis have a lower lie than my iginla.

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  thefelixculpa said:

what lie would you guys say the bauer P88 is???

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Maybe about 5.5 to 5.75 but with the rocker it's hard to tell.

Regarding the Recchi, is that considered a mid curve? I've heard it called a mid-toe but it doesn't look like one to me. Then again, neither does the Smyth...

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When I used an Iginla and Recchi I shot horrible. I used them as an experiment. I used Datsyuk and was fine, knowing it was a lie of 6. Before them I was using a Shanahan.

I have heard of some Recchi's being a lie of 6 and some a 5, but I don't know the truth to that...

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  Jarick said:
  thefelixculpa said:

what lie would you guys say the bauer P88 is???

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Maybe about 5.5 to 5.75 but with the rocker it's hard to tell.

Regarding the Recchi, is that considered a mid curve? I've heard it called a mid-toe but it doesn't look like one to me. Then again, neither does the Smyth...

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It's definitely a mid curve.

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Also isn't the Recchi blade too big to be legal in the NHL? I thought I read on here somewhere it was a large blade. I've had one but don't remember it's size.

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  Remman said:

Also isn't the Recchi blade too big to be legal in the NHL? I thought I read on here somewhere it was a large blade. I've had one but don't remember it's size.

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NHL change the max size after the lockout. Any regular retail pattern is going to be NHL legal.

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  Remman said:

I have heard of some Recchi's being a lie of 6 and some a 5, but I don't know the truth to that...

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This is still confusing me....

Not that Hockey Monkey is the authority by any stretch, but I notice they have two different blade pattern charts, one for the '06 models and one for the '07 models:

They list the '06 V10.0 Recchi as: Mid-Curve, Closed Face, Lie 6.

They list the '07 Recchi as: 3/4" Mid-Curve, Neutral Face, Lie 5.

Did CCM actually change the Rex pattern since '06? Or are these just sloppy descriptions for the same blade?

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I don't believe so. I have a v40 recchi blade and a 07 8.0 OPS recchi. Both are a lie of 5.25-5.5 and a 1/2" or so mid curve with a neutral face.

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So they are just crappy HM descriptions for the same blade I guess..... OR

there are some serious manufacturing inconsistencies going on at CCM!

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Yes it does, actually. Thanks a lot!

Excellent pic -- although it looks almost like a mid-heel curve to me from that perspective. It's no Coffey nanna, but it might just work for me.

Now to decide on getting a cheaper '06 or new '08 V10.0....

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recchi has always been a 5.5, same as the coffey. sherwood and ccm both use the "old" lies, not the easton scale which is taller. ive had older recchis that actually said 5.5 on them. coffey's in the past have also said this on them, though i know in the past retail sherwoods have had inaccurate lies printed on them. if you take a sherwood/ccm 5 and a 6, put a rechi between them its pretty much exacty between the two. take a doan ccm and a lecavalier, then compare a recchi in there.

so on the easton scale calling it a 5.25 is pretty much on the money. the warrior weight is also the same lie.

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