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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are new wheels really any better?

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So i was in a pinch a couple weeks ago and needed to throw wheels on my skates in a hurry (old ones were breaking on me, all at the same time oddly enough). I threw on some old mr. stickys and 5 or 6 year old labedas (just what my team mates had in there bags)

I have to say that the older wheels feel better than the rink rats hornets i was using.

Almost 3 weeks now and the wheels are hanging in better than any of the new, high-end wheels I had been using.

I know what all the manufacturers say about the new technology and what it does but on my opinion I haven't really found any difference worth what there charging nowadays.

Just curious to see if anyone else has had had similar experiences....

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i like the rinkrats better than anything ive had before only because both sets that ive had so far (hornets and hotshots) have lasted well over a year and that includes playing on wood a couple days a week. besides that i really cant tell between old labedas and the new rinkrats

maybe you just dont know how to skate CJ :P heehee

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I've gone back to the old wheels and man was it an ugly experience. I can still remember the 1st time I tried my rink rats out, man what a killer set of wheels. I remember take my 1st corner and remembering the bounce I got whilst performing crossovers. It really makes a difference in my sprinting stride having the extra bounce.

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Scott you little Rat! Welcome to MSH! It's about time you got on here...

Can't skate? How many goals do you have in the Mudcats-Rinkrat score club? Goes for you too Bronson...and keep this kind of chit chat for pm's.

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