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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another how its made. Hockey pucks.

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That was really interesting. The one on how to make gloves (same user) is unbelievable. Those ladies really work hard to get them right.

Thanks for the thread.

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Great series - love the one on goalie pads. It saved me from almost making a huge mistake when I was repairing mine!

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I was surprised how much hand stitching goes into those gloves.

I thought a lot more of the process was automated than it is. Skates and gloves too. Lots of hands on/manual work. Makes me appreciate the final product (and the price tag) a little more

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Quitre informative indeed.

Kinda reminded me of the story of a puck manufacturer in Quebec who had to lay off half their staff during the NHL lockout/strike.

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Eagle is probably one of the few companies that still makes gloves hand made. That video was very interesting though. I now understand why they take so long to make.

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back to the pucks , i am told that here in canada we use recycled rubber where as in europe they use brand new rubber making canadian pucks bounce higher/more

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Thanks for the skate episode, precursor - very informative.

I can only imagine how hard it would be to manually make an entire pair...

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I couldn't find the skates one on youtube, so I have posted it on there:

Thank you! I had been looking for this.

I saw the pucks and gloves, but never skates. :D

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I hadn't seen the skate video either...that was pretty sweet!

Was that a Supreme 6500 they were makin? If so, I'd never heard of those before. Were they a little more rare?

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